Chapter- 22

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A loud scream left my lips as the whip cracked against my naked front. Tears streamed down my cheeks, earning me another lash of the whip.

A voice as cold as ice reached my ears, "how many times have I told you that crying doesn't suit the heir of Drakos?"

My small body shook harder as I tried hard to keep the tears at bay. I looked up to see her staring down me coldly, "I'm sorry, mother—"

Another lash landed on my stomach making me scream, followed by another and another till blood started flowing from the opened wounds. "Don't call me mother!" She screamed at me, making me snap my eyes down in fear.

"I... I..." I stuttered, trying and failing to say something that would ease her anger.

Long, thin fingers gripped my cheeks tightly, making me wince as the nails dug into my cheeks. My head is jerked upwards, forcing me to look into the eyes burning with hatred. "The only reason I decided to not end your pathetic life was to solidify my position as the wife of Elias Drakos. But you stole everything from me! That red headed bitch has snatched his attention and I'm stuck taking care of a lowly six year old!"

I whimpered as her fingers dug into my cheeks, drawing blood. "It hurts..." I stopped mid sentence when I saw the crazed look in her eyes. My body started shivering when a cold smile spread on her face.

"It should hurt, "she said in a mocking sweet voice as she caressed my bloodied right cheek with her thumb, "this is the only way I can hate you less, my baby."

My eyes lit up with hope on hearing this, "will you love me if I endure it... ma'am?"

"Yes sweetheart, this is the only way I can love you," my heart was beating so fast at the thought of her finally loving me that I failed to notice the cruelty shining in those pale blue orbs. "You must endure it well, okay?"
          I nodded weakly. If it meant gaining her affection then I was willing to endure a little pain.

What I didn't know was that this night would turn a lot bloodier.
Sighing, I splashed the cold water on my face. The nightmares had started again, keeping me awake at night.
         That voice; those cruel eyes; and that insane smile, still haunt me. They constantly remind me that I'm still under her shadow.

My younger self had longed for her to acknowledge and love me as her son. I would do anything she asked me to just to hear her say that she loved me. A bitter smile spread on my face when I remembered how, at the age of nine, I had nearly killed Kai's mother, Bianca because she had asked me to.
         Needless to say father was furious and had tortured and killed her in front of me as a lesson for developing emotions. After all, an heir isn't supposed to have any emotions for they result in weakness.

Once I had truly realised what she had done to me I had promised myself that I would not turn into her. But I suppose that once you have been trained for something, it gets ingrained into you. I scoffed at the thought. Who am I kidding? I would've become someone with a twisted sadistic personality one way or another. This line of work doesn't leave anyone untainted.

A bang startled me, jerking me from my thoughts. Turning towards the person who dared to barge into my room, I saw that it was Kai. Before I could say anything, he spoke hurriedly, "she's awake!"

My eyes widened and for some reason my heart started beating faster and I stood still for a moment before his words truly registered in my mind.
         Pushing him aside, I ran towards her room. His words were echoing inside my head and for a reason unknown to me, I was anxious. If it turns out that he was wrong, I would bury him alive.

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