Chapter- 5

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Tears flow down my eyes as he clips the leash to the collar, now settled securely in my neck. I felt completely helpless as I touched the bruise on my cheek which was the result of him landing a brutal slap on face.
Once I had somewhat realized his intentions, I had started crawling back. It was bad that I had to eat and crawl like a dog but it would be worse if I actually wore a collar and a leash. Needless to say he wasn't very happy about it. Grabbing my ankle he dragged me towards him. I had started struggling in earnest because I wasn't going to wear them without a fight. As I was flailing my legs, I accidentally kicked him in the stomach making him growl in anger. He jumped on me, his knees in either side of me legs trapping them successfully. Holding me down with my wrists wrapped tightly by his hand, he slapped me twice on each cheek with his other hand.

I screamed as my head snapped on the other side because of the force of his slaps. Tears flowed down my cheeks as he gripped my neck with a brutal force making sure that air was barely going to my lungs.

Leaning down he glared into my eyes making me want to shrink away from him. I was afraid for my life. Till now he had kept me alive but what if this show of bravery got me killed. God! What was I thinking?

I looked at him with fear as a low growl rumbled from his chest. "I've been too lenient with you, it seems." My body started shaking lightly as I looked in his cold angry eyes. "You'll be punished severely for this, my little bird. But first I need to decorate with your new accessories."

I flinched at the word 'decorate' as if I was nothing more than a thing to him. But maybe that was true. To him I truly  was nothing but a mere thing he used to satiate his sick and twisted desires. A shadow of smirk passed on his face as if his words had the desired affect.

He attached the long golden chain with hoop ring at one end to the collar that he had forcibly put on. Without wasting anymore time he put the cuffs on my hands with shorter chain. Then tightly gripping my leg he cuffed them as well with one that had longer chain linking them.

After that he gave me a moment to get used to it, which I spent crying in self pity. I wanted to get out of here and kill this monster who had stolen my life. I hated him but I hated myself more because of the desire that erupted within me at his single touch.

Suddenly I felt a tug on the leash making me look up warily. Orion was look down at me with an indescribable look on his face. "On your fours, pet."

I knew he was still angry about what happened earlier and I didn't want to upset him even more, mainly because I knew that it wouldn't turn out well for me. So trembling, I slowly went down on all fours. I kept my eyes down on the floor. I couldn't bring myself to look at him when I felt so degraded.

I felt a harsh tug on the leash making me look up.

"Crawl." Biting down on my lip to keep myself from crying, I slowly started to crawl towards him. The chains making the task even more difficult. Instead of reprimanding to move faster, he waited patiently as I neared him.

I heard the familiar beep and soon we were out of my cell. I was trembling slightly as the thought of my punishment kept plaguing my mind. The thought of what he must have planned for me in his twisted mind made me tremble in fear. I didn't want to think about it but it was easier said than done.

He directed me occasionally with a tug. I didn't know where he was taking but I knew that nothing good would come out of it, for me. Soon we were facing a door and the fear I felt suffocated me. I was ready to grovel at his feet and beg for mercy if there was even a slightest chance that he would spare me. But as we entered the room I was taken aback.

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