Chapter 16

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After a good ten minutes of driving, I finally reached my destination. I got to his house and parked my car on the sidewalk in front but realized that there were multiple cars out. There was a Mercedes-Benz, a Hyundai Equus, and the Viper. The Viper was a sign that he was of course home, but he wasn’t out front. I got out of my car and walked on his huge driveway to observe all three cars and gave Jer a call.

            “’Ey love! Make it here yet?” He asked after only two rings.

            “Yeah. Why am I here? And where are you?”

            “Right here.” I turned my body and my nose bumped right into him.

            “WOAH!” I yelped. Boys really need to know that girls do NOT appreciate being frightened all the time. It’s not cool. “God Jericho! Why do you and every other guy on this planet think scaring me is ok?” I said trying to catch my breath.

            “Wait. Who scared you already today?” Oops...forgot to mention Emil.

            “Oh yeah. It’s just some guy at work. I’ll tell you about it later ok? Now why am I here?” I tried to change the subject quick enough so that he didn’t try to get into what happened at work. Right now wasn’t the time to get into that.

            “Guy? What guy? Since when do you ever talk to—”

            “Jericho! Dude, that your girl? ‘Ey girl.” A guy interrupted Jericho. Thank goodness too. This guy was like my height. Maybe a couple inches taller. Probably five foot four or three maybe. Same with his friend walking beside him. They literally seemed like they could be relatives.

            “We’ll talk about this later ok?” I whispered to Jericho. He gave me a little concerned look, but switched right away when those two guys got closer.

            “’Ey guys! Ellie, this is Nathan and Kevin. They work at the dealership I went to. They’re helping me find a new car.”

I knew it! The car’s for him! Whew!

            “Um...hi guys,” I attempted to not say awkwardly.

            “Hey ‘sup?” Kevin said.

            “Hi! Are you Filipina? Sorry, just curious. You kinda look like it, so sorry if you’re not.” Well, Nathan was blunt. He wasn’t wrong though. He actually seemed like he was a lot of fun to hang out with.

            “Uh...yeah. My mom’s Filipina, and my dad’s a Brit.” That was easier to get out than I thought. Talking about my dad was becoming less of a struggle. Guess that was one of the new found pros of being around Jer for a while.

            “Ellie. You say you’re a Wasian, but you look all Asian. That’s ok though since we’re Asian. Filipinos,” Nathan motioned between the two of them. “And no, we are not related even though we both look like we could be siblings and just so happen to have the same last name. We get it all the damn time. As Filipinos, we’re all connected somehow, mostly through relatives, so if you need us just hit us up. Jer here has our card.”

Wow. They’re nice. Maybe I could really see myself liking these guys.

            “Thanks guys. That’s really sweet,” I replied. “But wait.” I looked at Jericho. “Why in the world do you need a new car? You have a black, spanking expensive one right over there.” I motioned to his Viper on the driveway next to the Equus in the middle.

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