Chapter 4

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Finally after another long period of conversation of inane things I know nothing about, the bell rang and all I wanted to do was go to class and get lost in my drawings. I waved goodbye to my friends and right when I turned around I ran into someone again.


This time; however, before I fell backwards, hands gripped my shoulders. I looked up and it was him. “You ok?” Jericho asked. He said it so close to my face that when I looked up we were nose to nose. And for a minute I wanted to be closer.

            Just for a minute…

            “Why do we keep meeting like this?” I asked. It wasn’t sarcastic, I mean this is the second time today, and I wanted it to stop before I either got a concussion or ended up on top of him. (No, not that way). I turned my head towards my friends, and all I see is them chuckling and high fiving each other. I mouthed to them, “I hate you guys.” When they saw that, they started walking faster to their classes.

            “Um I’m sorry I keep popping up on you. I swear I’m not trying to break you,” Jericho chuckled. He let go of my shoulders quickly and put his hands in his pockets like touching me burned him or something. I couldn’t help but feel a little sad when he let go.

            “It’s alright um…let’s go to class,” I tried to get out. “It’s right around the corner there so it’s easy to find after lunch ok?” He nodded, and we started walking in silence again. I decided that we had some time, so I thought maybe I could just start a friendly conversation.

You can do this Ellie. Just try it like before. If you can yell at him, you can talk to him like a normal person.

“So how was your first lunch here? Meet some new people?” Good start.

            His expression turned a little annoyed. I didn’t know if it was at me or the lunch. “Yeah I met some people. Pretty sure it was that girl who looks like a Goth.” He pointed over at Connie. And yes, she did look a Goth because she was dressed in Black Fishnet leggings, a black leather jacket, some screamo band top, and black buckled boots and that made her about five inches taller than me. With the money she had, she thought changing her entire wardrobe would attract more attention. Didn’t really work.

            “Yeah. That’s Connie. Her dad owns a restaurant near the Santa Monica Pier. She’s pretty much the priss because…Well she’s extremely annoying and finds any way to ruin people’s lives, mine included.”

            “What does she say about you?”

            “She just makes up rumors and gets everyone to gang up on me on account of me being me,” I explained bluntly. I didn’t know why I was telling this guy so much. I guess my mind was starting to get comfortable with being around him that it wouldn’t let me shut up. I feel like after a while I’d end up telling this guy my entire life story.

            “Well, is there something wrong with you being you?” He asked curiously.

            “Not that I know of. She just makes crap up just to get a reaction out of me, but her ideas don’t ever really work.”

            “Well, I don’t think she’ll try to ruin my life because she gave me her number and invited me to her house after school.”

“Wow. Not surprising since she tries that with every attractive guy around here.”

            “Is that how you think of me?” He sounded as if he really did care about my opinion.

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