Chapter 20

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“So Eliana—or Ellie, why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself,” Mrs. Claybrooks asked me. We were at the dinner table with plates of...Amuse Bouche...I think it’s called. Apparently, when the family has a special occasion, they bring out the three course dinner composing of an appetizer, entrée, and of course dessert. Luckily, I’m not picky, so I was up for anything that wouldn’t give me food poisoning. However, Mrs. Claybrooks asking me that question could totally cause me to puke up any food that I ate given my anxiety decides to creep up on me.

“Oh um...well...I’m...”

Seriously? Where’s that bravery we talked about? Just talk like you’re talking to Jer.

Ok, so I was not off to a good start. Then under the table I felt Jer grab my freehand and rub it gently for moral support. I took a deep breath.

Courage Ellie. Just relax.

“Well, if Jericho hasn’t told you already, then you should know that I’m part Filipina and British actually. My dad was from Manchester, and my mother is from Luzon. My parents met when my mom was studying abroad in England.”

“Oh that’s lovely dear. What does your mother do?”

“My mom’s a lawyer. When she was studying abroad in England, she went to Westminster Law.”

“And what about your father love? What does he do for a living?” Mr. Claybrooks asked.

Here we go. Relax. It’s just a normal conversation.

“He um...he died when I was a gun shot.” All three of them kinda froze for a moment. This was the first time I ever admitted how he was killed. Hopefully they didn’t ask for more information.

“You never told me that,” Jericho said looking at me. I didn’t need to look at him to know that he had that sad look on his face.

“You never asked. I didn’t think you needed to know.”

“Oh I’m sorry dear. I didn’t mean to—”

“No. It’s ok. I didn’t really know him too well, so it’s fine.” I know I wasn’t telling the entire truth, and you know it too, but what they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. “So, um how’s Amelia? Jericho told me that she’s with her husband in Australia right?”

“Yes. She’s an environmentalist, and her husband is a marine biologist. They’re working on a way to keep fisherman from fishing in areas where different endangered species of fish are living,” Mr. Claybrooks explained.

“That’s amazing. You must be very proud,” I said sincerely.

“We really are, love. She’s doing brilliantly. What do you plan on doing in the future?” This time it was Mrs. Clay...I mean Cecilia.

“Well, I really like music, so I guess the dream would be to work in producing music. But logically I think I’d have an easier time working in business, though. I’m still trying to look at all my options and find a place that’s right for me.”

“We’ll all be hoping that you find your place dear. You’re quite ambitious and if different colleges see that, that’ll show how qualified you are to be at their school.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”

“Jericho has yet to pick a college. I’d very much rather him to go to medical school to become a doctor like his grandfather, but he refuses to cooperate,” Arthur said bluntly.

“Dad. Stop,” Jericho said. I had a feeling he would be like this. I mean I understand that Arthur wants what he thinks is best for his son, but that’s not what Jericho wants. He should be able to decide his future because he’s the one that has to live it. I could feel the tension even though he tried to subdue it. I took my freehand and placed it on Jericho’s thigh to calm him down and soothe his anger. Then Arthur cleared his throat and returned to his calmer state.

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