Chapter 13

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“So you still won’t tell me where we’re going will you?”

“Nope.” We were driving for about twenty minutes. Now I knew what it felt like for him yesterday going to all of those places. I started to feel a little excited because it felt like another adventure, but I was also a hesitant because I was oblivious to where the heck we were going.

“Can you at least give me a hint?” I asked him.

“Ok. It shines.”


“Ok…It shines. What are we doing? Going to the sun?” I said chuckling.

“Not really, no.” Seriously?

“Well, that wasn’t very helpful,” I said disappointedly.

“Shh. Just take a nap. We’re halfway there. Hopefully, we don’t hit traffic but just shh.” He literally stuck his right hand out at me and was shushing me. What the heck?

“Seriously?” I asked. He nodded. “Ugh, fine.” I closed my eyes and cuddled up against the door. “You know you’re infuriating sometimes.”

“Uh huh.”

“Can you at least turn up the radio?”

“Yep.” He turned it up and Wake Me Up came on. I found that annoyingly ironic. I’d like for him to want to wake me up, but no. He wants me to go to sleep until we get there. Reluctantly, I leaned against the car door and in less time than I anticipated, I slowly drifted to sleep.

He’s looking at me. Why is he looking at me like that?

“Dad, why are you here?”

“It’ll be ok sweetie. I love you so much.”

“Dad? Stop. Mom? Why is he here? Dad stop. STOP!!!!”

Who’s shaking me? Dad’s shaking me.

“Ellie. Eliana!”

“NO!” I screamed when I woke up and moved away from his hand.

“Eliana relax!! It’s just me!!” Jericho said loudly. He had his hands out in front of him in surrender. He looked like I was about to attack him. It felt like I really was about to. I was breathing really hard and was still holding the door behind me. I guess while I was sleeping he took my belt off when we stopped, and I was able to move away from him. I covered my face with my hands because my head was still reeling from the nightmare. The exact same one. It’s always the same.

“I’m sorry,” I said defeated and embarrassed. I couldn’t believe it happened in the car with him of all people.

“It’s ok.” I heard him unbuckle and move over into my seat. Since I’m petite, he was able to get his body onto my seat. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and held me like a child. I never wanted to seem so weak in front of him, but even though I had no choice he was holding and comforting me. I didn’t know it would feel this good. “It’s alright. It was just a dream, ok? Just a dream.”

But it wasn’t.

He started rubbing my back, and I was calming down. My breathing got less harsh, and I was able to relax a little more.  “I’m ok now. I’m ok,” I tried to say without faltering. He loosened up a bit and looked down at me.

“Are you sure? We could still wait a while if you need.” He was being so nice. I honestly could’ve waited forever with him if it meant feeling this good, but we drove all the way out here. Judging by me getting into that deep of sleep we were probably a long way from home.

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