Chapter 12 10/26/14

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My friends and I all met at California Pizza Kitchen this morning. Before I got here, I gave my mom a quick recap, so she didn’t get upset for not telling her anything. Once I finished, I walked out the door to the car with her face frozen in shock from my happiness. I started laughing on my way because that face was pretty priceless. I gave my friends the entire recap leaving nothing out, and they all looked like I was their mom telling them a fairytale. Then again, I guess it kind of was a fairytale. What I thought was impossible for me happened in one day.

Ugh, wait a minute. This means I have to tell them.

“Don’t be such sore winners when I say this, but you guys were right. I should’ve taken a chance and…something good did come out of it,” I admitted reluctantly.

“WE TOLD YOU SO!!” They all said simultaneously.

“Hey, what happened to not being sore winners?” Jeez, I tell them they’re right and they rub it in my face.

“We’re sorry Elle, but you weren’t confident in our belief that something good could happen to you guys,” Eric said before stuffing his mouth with a pizza slice. “Now ith has, an we desherve twoo take shome pwide in r beweef.”

“Yeah Ellie. I mean we all understood why you didn’t wanna know this guy, but like we said before: people can be different. Not all of them are jerks or rich, snobby assholes,” Rose explained.

“Well obviously since all of you are dating. Heck there’s couple sitting right in front of me.” I motioned to Eric and Conrad sitting next to each other. They both looked at me and shrugged. “But guys the thing is I don’t even know if we’re officially...anything. I mean he did kiss me, but in the process he didn’t specifically say ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’” I explained with my British accent. It was probably another fail. I should really stop trying.

            “Well, in my opinion, a kiss on the lips means ‘I love you.’ Remember that one picture on Weheartit that had the meanings of each type of kiss?” Thalia asked. Weheartit is an app she told me to download filled with a bunch of girly photos with quotes, love pictures, and other girly things that just mocked me. All of those couples I saw seemed so unreal that I refused to even heart a photo.

            “Yes, I remember Thalia, but what if it’s not even true?”

            “Hey, it sounded true enough. Troye thought it was credible.” Troye is of course, Thalia’s boyfriend. “Did you guys send it to Michael or Kyle?” She asked Hazel and Rose.

            “Nope, but I’m about to now,” Hazel replied taking out her phone along with Rose.

            “Ok, now we need to see this pic,” Eric said. Thalia handed him her phone and both Eric and Conrad moved to look at it. “What do you think?” He asked Conrad. Conrad took a quick second to look at it and ended up pecking Eric on the lips to test the claim that a kiss on the lips meant: I love you.

            “Yup, I think it’s true,” Conrad replied. This was getting annoying.

            “Guys, this is ridiculous! We’re fussing over whether a pic about kissing is reasonable or not.” I exclaimed in exasperation. Clearly they didn’t detect the annoyance in my voice because the girls were still texting their boyfriends and waiting for their opinions.

            “Michael says its right.” Hazel.

            “So does Kyle.” Then Rose.

            “Alright!! Enough! Please! Again no matter how true that stupid picture is, he still did not ask me out. I’m not gonna jump to conclusions so easily when I didn’t even hear the guy ask. Ok?” Now I was getting frustrated. Don’t get me wrong I love my friends, but really? A photo about kissing?

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