Chapter 2

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We weren’t talking to each other. It was extremely awkward, and we were walking slower than we should’ve been. I was pretty sure that we were gonna be late for second period. I didn’t want it to be so bad though. I thought that maybe if being with a guy wasn’t supposed to worry me then I had no problem talking to one who didn’t know me or my past at all.

            “So you’re from Britain right? It’s...a lot different from here in California isn’t it?” I asked timidly. This was my attempt at reaching out to people. It was a good starting question for a new guy. Nothing wrong with it at all.

But he didn’t say anything.

What’s up with this guy? I’m actually trying to make friendly conversation, and he just goes and ignores me.

“Um…He—Hello?” I stuttered. After my failed attempt at getting his attention, he started walking faster. I felt anger slowly building and suddenly, something in me snapped. Before I knew what I was doing, I quickened my pace and stopped in front of him.

            “Hey, I’m just trying to be nice here. I was asked to help you since this is your first day here, and you’re probably silently suffering as well, but you know what? I don’t do so well with new people either, so you can either humor me or I can leave you here in the dust to find your class on your own.”

Whoa. That’s new.

I started feeling a little confused because I’ve never done that before. Where did that come from?

            “Won’t that get you in trouble?” He speaks!!

            “Yes Smart Aleck, but you know what? If this is what I get for trying then I don’t care.” I did it again. I was talking back to him. He started looking down at me funny. I mean literally looking down because this guy is like six foot something, and I’m just barely five foot. Yes, I know I’m extremely short. Blame my Filipino genes. Still, he looked like he was confused or something, but then he kind of fixed himself and was stoic again.

            “You seem pretty cheesed off don’t you?”

            “Wha...what in the world did you just say?”

            “Sorry. Forgot we’re in America. Cheesed off means like pissed off.”

            “What does that have anything to do with what I just said?”

            “Nothing. Never mind. We’re gonna be late.” He changes the subject like it’s no big deal.

            “We already are. Now look, I know you’re new and everything, but I’m not willing to put up with four more days of you being a complete a…” I stopped myself right there before I said anything stupid. “Never mind. Forget I said anything let’s go.”

Where is this coming from? Since when do I actually get angry?

I started walking away from him, but I didn’t know if he was following me or not. I didn’t care. Good God, I almost called the new guy an ass. Well, he is being an ass, but he’s still the new guy and that’s probably the last thing I should be doing. And now I feel bad. Suddenly, I hear him running up towards me.

            “Hey!” He shouts, but I don’t turn around. Instead he decides to keep bolting towards me and gets in my way. “Hey! Stop!”

            “Get out of my way. We need to get to class,” I say trying to get around him, but he takes my shoulders and puts me back in front of him.

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