Chapter 9

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In my attempt to find his house, I ended up in front of a gated community. There was a little speaker and a button, so I pressed it and a voice came out. “Name?” It asked.

            “Um…Eliana Amberson? I’m here to pick up Jericho Claybrooks?” I kept talking like I was asking a question.

            Get it together. You got this Ellie.

            Suddenly the gates opened and the voice said, “Come on in.”

            “Thanks!” I replied. “Now, where is house 1802?” I mumbled to myself. I slowly drove along the streets looking for the numbers, and after a few minutes I finally found it. This house was huge. Scratch that. It wasn’t a house; it was a mansion. It was the size of my house but doubled. I pulled up to the side of the curb and text him.

Me: I’m here now.

Jericho: Ok. You ready for today?

Me: As ready as I’ll ever be.

Jericho: Come on up. My parents want to meet you.


Me: Um ok. I’m coming.

Jericho: Don’t be nervous.

Me: Too late.

            Oh my god, what am I gonna do?! Ok, I can do this. No blowing up just be normal. It’ll be fine.

 I walked up to the huge front door and rang the doorbell. I heard someone walking towards the door and once it opened Jericho appeared in front of me.

            “Hi,” he said.

            “Hi.” I was a bit startled because he looked three times more handsome. He had a white button up shirt with sleeves rolled up, dark wash denim jeans, and brown flip flops. God he was handsome. I was probably looking at him like a freak. Then again he looked a bit stunned as well. He looked me up and down and finally said something.

            “I like it…You…You look great,” He said with a small grin.

            “Um…thank you.” Wow. That felt good.

            “Ahem…won’t you come in?” He stepped out of the way to let me in. I slowly made my way in.

            “Thanks.” Ok we’re doing well so far. “So…where are you parents?” I asked.

            “They’re coming. Mum! Dad!” He shouted.

            “We’re coming, dear!” A woman called. She walked out of a room and down the stairs like she was royalty. She was so beautiful with dark brown hair, thin, grey eyes, and high cheek bones. She was wearing a fancy, white pantsuit and behind her came a man with a dark haircut similar to Jericho’s wearing dark slacks, a dark green sweater, and a light blue collared shirt underneath. If anything, his shoes were probably Italian.

            Jericho walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I felt the warmth grow immediately. It was starting to feel really good, and I was glad when he didn’t let go because it calmed my nerves. “Mum, Dad, this is my friend Eliana Amberson. She’s the girl that’s been accompanying me at school and who will be taking me out for an excursion of LA. Isn’t that right?” He looked at me.

            “Yeah...” I said. I needed to keep talking. “Yeah I’ve been showing him around school and now I’m taking him around LA,” I said with a shy smile.

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