Chapter 3

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           All through my English class I kept thinking about the last twenty minutes. Every moment was a mix of emotions. I was nervous, embarrassed, frustrated, and furious. Somehow I was able to assert myself towards him, but the question was why to him and why now? I didn’t know how I felt about this guy, but I knew he was hiding something.

            The moment the bell rang I stopped sketching and looked at my drawing…I was drawing him. I don’t know why that happened, but it was there in my book. It was him from an angle. The way I was looking at him from my seat in History.

The scariest part was that it actually looked good. It looked like a real sketch. I didn’t know I could do that. I packed my supplies away, took hold of the page, and was about to rip it out. Then I noticed that I wasn’t completely finished with it yet. It was turning into my best sketch yet, and I wanted to throw it away. Reluctantly, I put my sketchbook back in my bag and head out the door. I was about to exit the room when my friends Rose and Hazel called for me.

            “Ellie! Wait up!” Rose exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell us you were helping the new guy?”

            “Because I didn’t know I was until first period,” I said. When it comes to friends I managed to make some that turned out not snobby and stayed with me since ninth grade. I was so alone when I first moved here, so during freshman year they reached out to me and became some of the only people I can talk to. Now we’re juniors, so we’ve managed to maintain the friendship. They don’t know about what happened though because they didn’t know me then, and I didn’t reveal anything that they didn’t need to know. If they did I didn’t know if they’d still be my friends. I wanted a life without it, so it was a secret that stayed hidden.

            “Well consider yourself lucky ‘because he’s pretty attractive if you haven’t noticed already,” Hazel said.

“He’s not that attractive,” I attempted to deny. Rose and Hazel raised their eyebrows at me. “Ok fine. He is a little attractive, but he was being rude to me on the way here. Plus, he lied. We weren’t late because he got lost. We were late because I yelled at him for being a jerk,” I whispered.

            “Are you crazy Ellie?! You yelled at the hot, new guy for being a jerk?! Wait a second. You actually got angry?! I’m slightly proud, but mad at you at the same time. I mean he doesn’t look like a jerk, but I guess it’s possible he could be one of those tall, dark, and mysterious guys who brood a lot.” Rose said. She actually could be close to the truth.

            “OMG that sounds like Stefan from The Vampire Diaries. Doesn’t it? Maybe he’s a vampire. Well obviously not, but he sure has the looks of one,” Hazel pointed out.

            “Ok. I’m just gonna say that you both are crazy, and I really need to get to the tall, dark, and brooding vampire before we’re late again and his excuses become useless,” I said already walking away backwards.

            “K. Bye Ellie!” The girl’s said. I waved goodbye and right when I turned around I ran right into the door. But it wasn’t the door. It was hard abs. When I looked up and realized it was him I pretty much had a spaz attack, jumped like two feet backwards, and almost fell on my butt. Thank god Hazel grabbed my arm or that would’ve been even more embarrassing.

            “Thanks Haze.”

            “No problem girlie.”

            “You ok?” He asked me. He actually sounded genuinely concerned. Hopefully, he wasn’t faking.

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