Epilogue -- Jericho, 6/20/15

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“What does that one look like to you?” Ellie asked me looking up at the clouds moving slowly across the sky. It rained lightly this morning, so we decided to come out and cloud watch at the spot until the sky cleared.

“It looks like that ship from Peter Pan sailing through the clouds,” I answered. School ended last week, and we thought it was our time to finally relax after the stress over the last six months. I went back to school after Christmas break, and we successfully finished the year together. I even managed to get my diploma even after that month and a half of missed schoolwork.

“It does doesn’t it? I can see that,” she said. It upset me to think that she’d be a senior this year, and I won’t be able to see her all the time anymore. But thankfully, I’d found a way for me to still be able to be with her while she finishes the year. During Christmas break, two days after Ellie and I had gotten back together, my parents and I were summoned back to Britain for the final verdict. We left for an entire week, plead our final testimonies, and I was found not guilty of all charges. Our lawyer found that Alan was the one who pressed the gas pedal when he was in the car with Piers. It wasn’t the best of endings, but at least I knew it was confirmed that I had done nothing wrong. I could wipe that conscience off my chest.

 With the blessing of my parents, I’ve been allowed to skip college for a year. That gave me time to figure out what I really want to do with my life and be able to spend time with my life: Ellie. “So what else do you want to do? We have two months to just do whatever we want. We could go to the beach and get epic tans. Or just walk around the park. Maybe another stroll through Hollywood,” she suggested.

“Or,” I started. “We could go to Hawaii. Maybe a weekend in Dubai. I could even take you to Britain, and we could do some European touring. You forget that we literally could do almost anything Ellie,” I chuckled. It’s nice to know that she doesn’t love me because I’m rich, but it’s a bit funny when she forgets that when she’s with me her options have expanded by...well a lot.

“True. But you know I don’t like you flaunting your money like that. As nice as it is, sometimes the smaller things are ok, too you know?” She said sitting up. I joined her and sat up as well.

“I remember you saying something about the smaller things that one day when we were here. That’s when I learned that Tarzan was your second favorite Disney movie.”

“Oh yeah. Well, again sometimes we forget about the smaller things when they matter the most. So yeah, I would rather go to the beach here than a beach in Dubai only because it’s more special. You remember why right?” She questioned.

“Of course, I do. Some faith would be nice you know?” I chuckled. To be honest, I agreed with her. The smaller memories were better because they were memorable. But I wanted to make more memories other places as well. “But still, Ellie. A weekend in Hawaii or Britain wouldn’t hurt you know?”

“If we went to Britain would it rain? You know how I feel about the rain.”

“Well, since it is summer, it should be ok. There could be a random storm here and there, but we’ll just make sure to check the weather first if that makes you feel better, ok?” I said giving her a small peck on the lips.

“Alright. Fine. I’ll take it under consideration. We have a while and then some, so we have some time before I decide if we should go or not ok?”

“Well, since I’m not going to prison, it’s safe to say that it should be smooth sailing wherever we go if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“No, that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m not really worried about anything. I just don’t know what’s gonna happen this year you know? It’s just that I feel like things matter now. For months I’ve been getting this rushing feeling like I have to decide on what I want and make decisions that’ll make me happy, but I don’t know what’ll be the right ones. I feel like before, my mind was just empty. I didn’t have any ambition or any idea as to what my future would be like. But now it’s like I have so many things to choose that I feel like my mind has been on fast forward this entire time.”

“It’s probably my fault isn’t it? We did talk about everything being flipped with me you know?”

“It probably is. Sorry,” she chuckled. “But in a way, I don’t mind it. It makes me feel like I’m really living now. It feels like I could really have a future. Everything seems faster and brighter, and I like it. Now, it’s just a matter of making the right choices for that future.”

“Well, as long as you know you made the right choice of having me in that future, I’m all for helping you every step of the way,” I chuckled.

“Hmm, I don’t think I did. I question it every day actually. I don’t know if your pompous ass is good for my future,” she laughed.

“Hey, I’m not pompous!...All the time,” I tried to defend. She just kept laughing at me. I loved hearing her laugh. It makes me feel amazing to think that I was the one to bring out the best in her. Then again, she brought out the best in me, as well.

“I know. I’m joking,” she said when she finally calmed down. “I’m glad I have you in my future. I don’t like to think about how different life would be if you weren’t in my future.” I softly grabbed her cheek and began to kiss her gently to reassure her that she’ll always have me in her future. There wasn’t going to be anything that would stop me from being there.

“Well, if you didn’t have me you would (kiss) probably be having nightmares all the time (kiss) Maybe be a walking stick of depression that never smiled or laughed (kiss) and probably would’ve been stuck living with your mum for the rest of your life,” I said in between kisses.

“Thanks, for laying it out for me. That future seems pretty bleak,” she replied pulling away slightly. “You willing to change all that for me?”

“Always,” I said looking into her eyes. “I won’t let any more clouds cover that beautiful, little sunshine of yours.”

“And I won’t let any clouds cover that bright moon of yours,” she said softly. I was gonna move in to kiss her, but all of a sudden she was moving to stand up. “Well, unless you take me to Disneyland once in a while there won’t be any clouds. If you don’t then there might be a rain storm waiting for you.” I laughed at her bluntness and smiled up at her.

“Fine.” Then I stood up as well, and we looked up to see the last cloud pass over the sky to reveal a beautifully bright sun. “There. No more clouds. Guess I can say that I’ve made the sun quite happy now haven’t I?”

“Yeah. She’s happy. I’m happy,” she said stroking the charm of the sun and moon necklace I gave back to her for Christmas. Then she threw her arms around my neck and stood up on her toes to kiss me under the renewed warmth of the sun. That blinding and warm sunshine was enough to make me feel like I could do anything. It reassured me that I’d be the one to push her demons away, and she’d be the one to push away mine. Even though there maybe days of rain and clouds, we’d be the ones to make sure that there will never be complete darkness over our heads...

For behind every cloud is a sun

And behind every cloud there’s a moon

And Behind the Clouds the sun and moon share a love that shines for everyone.


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