Chapter 10

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            “So what’d you think of the aquarium?” I asked him pulling out of the garage.

            “That was actually really cool if you don’t count the Lorikeets planting themselves on my body.” We started laughing a little bit.

            “Hey you looked gorgeous. All of those colors worked for you. Oh and loved the feathers.”

            “Haha very funny,” He said sarcastically.

            “Anyways, rating?”

            “Hmm…I’d give it a good seven. It was still fantastic seeing all of the animals, but for some reason I’m still favoring the artwork.” He just dissed the fish!

            “Really? You’re not an artist are you?” I inquired.

            “Maybe. Aside from being a part time jerk, rich bloke, and musician I’m a bit of a part time artist,” He admitted.

            “Seriously?” He nodded. “Honestly, you keep surprising me.”

            “If anything I should be saying the same to you. How were you even able to get access or even the ideas for all of these places?”

            “One of my best friends who I work with at the rock climbing center is dating Rose’s brother. He hooked me up with some tickets and stuff. I guess you could say I have connections.”

            “I didn’t know you worked at the rock climbing gym,” he said suddenly.

            “You never asked.”

            “So if I ask you where we’re stopping will you tell me?”

            “No.” I made sure I got to wink at him. I had to say I was getting better at being social. I happened to like this new found ability to talk to him. Hopefully, it lasted a little bit longer.

            Once I saw the sign for Katella Avenue I started feeling the excitement in my stomach. I used to go here all of the time as a kid, and I’ve seen almost every Disney movie. It was pretty much my entire childhood. Sure I lived in Florida and Disney World was a few miles away, but we only ever went there once. We would end up flying to California just to go to Disneyland a few times a year. It actually ended up being less expensive for us.

            “Did that sign just say Disney Avenue?” He asked.

            “Uh…noooo?” I tried to lie.

            “Ok you’re obviously lying. Are we really going to Disneyland?” I heard the slight tone of excitement in his voice.

            “No, we’re going to Bubba Gump’s around here.” I turned my head to look at him. By the scared look on his face I was sure he thought I wasn’t joking. “Jericho. Relax. I’m kidding.” I started laughing again. “Yes, we’re going to Disneyland. Conrad works here, so he got us tickets for only forty bucks in total.”

            “Now that’s a deal,” he said. We pulled into the enormous parking structure and ended up in the Mickey section closest to the bottom and rushed to catch the tram to get to the park.

            “Are you excited?” I asked him.

            “Hell yeah. I’ve only ever been here once, but I don’t remember much.”

            “Seriously?! All that money, and you’ve only been here once?!” That was outrageous.

            “Hey don’t blame me! We travelled around a lot so it never crossed our minds to go.” He looked sad for a minute. I knew that look. It was the look I had whenever I kept thinking about it. He was thinking of his it, too. I changed the subject, so he wasn’t in his dark mood the rest of the day.

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