Chapter 19 11/1/14

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I woke up to feel Jericho spooning me from behind. I couldn’t tell if he was awake or not, but I could hear his quiet breathing against my bare back (Don’t worry I had a bandeau on all night). Last night was probably the best night of my life. Well, any girl that just went through what I just did might say the same, but I know that not all of them would feel as satisfied as I did. Not all of them could say that they felt new or complete. I didn’t feel so empty or afraid anymore. The warmth from his touch, the sound of his voice when he finally said the three words I didn’t think he’d ever say, and the realization that I said the same three words I didn’t think I’d ever say to someone gave me a new perspective and shed a little more light on my life.

And I remember after what felt like forever with his kisses. We relaxed and laid peacefully looking up at the stars. My head on his chest and hand stroking his clean slate abs and his arm pulling me into him. We both slowly fell asleep, and I remember before finally falling asleep seeing a shooting star bolt across the sky. I stayed up long enough to make a quick wish, but as I was in the middle of making a wish, I guess I fell asleep. So much for making wishes with your eyes closed.

“What did I wish for?” I didn’t realize I said that out loud. Well I whispered it, but that was supposed to be an internal thing. Oops. I felt something soft touch my back. The feeling hit my lower back, then the middle of my back, and the middle of my neck. Then I realized that I had woken him on accident, and he was kissing my back.

“Were you saying something?” He whispered.

“No,” I said only half lying. “I’m just waking up.” I turned my body around to face him. “Did I wake you?”

“No. I’ve been awake for maybe the past twenty minutes.”

“Seriously? So you’ve just been holding me wide awake for the past twenty minutes?”

“Well...yeah,” he said slightly embarrassed. “Twenty minutes ago, I wasn’t holding you, but then I saw you shiver a bit. Wasn’t sure if it was because of a dream or you being topless, so I just decided to hold you for a while.” I smiled at his admission. I honestly didn’t remember what I dreamed about last night. For all I know, I slept peacefully after what we did. It was probably just me being topless.

“Well then, thank you.” I paused for a second rethinking my reply. “For everything.”

“You’re welcome.” He propped himself on his hand to be higher above my body and began softly kissing me. I knew inside I wanted more, but after last night I knew we needed to take it down a notch. This time, I was the first to interrupt the session but only because of my curiosity.

“So, we’re in a tent on a hill, and we don’t know what time it is, but it’s obviously morning and all we’ve done is kiss since last night until now. What exactly do you have planned for today?”

“Well since you’re asking, you should know that I asked my mother to take your mum to a lovely lunch at a French restaurant called Patina and after that she will be taking her to a spa close by for some pampering time. Then you and I are just going to hang out for the day.”

“Oh,” I said a little surprised. “Wow um...thanks for that. My mom could really use some woman time. What are we doing in the meantime, though? I mean if you haven’t noticed already we’re still in a tent on a hill and don’t know what time it is.” We started laughing at my observation then Jericho moved to reach for his phone on the far end of the pool.

“It’s only nine thirty. Don’t panic. I decided that maybe we could just take the time to relax before you can go home. We could go to Hollywood and just take in the sights there.” He got this mischievous look on his face. “Or we could just stay here and repeat last night. Maybe intensify to a certain degree.” Then he stood up and unbuttoned his jeans with this over-the-top sexy smolder. Of course, I watched with tears in my eyes because I was laughing so hard. Then he slowly took off his pants to reveal blue boxer briefs.

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