Chapter 14 10/27/14

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                Monday morning rolled around way too quickly. I was still extremely groggy from staying up reading that letter all night and finishing more sketches. Jer’s sketch was perfect now and the tulip was done. Guess the happy side of me also included an improved artistic side as well. Even my outfit choices were better and not so plain. Today was a white, eyelet dress I found hiding in my closet. I wore my jean jacket, nude biker shorts under my dress, and red vans that I bought a while back to make my mom happy but never wore. Looks like today was the day to try somewhat new things. Walking down the stairs, I noticed that mom was rushing again. Thankfully, I was driving myself to school today.

            “Ellie?” My mom said to me like she was in disbelief.

            “What?” I said finally coming off the stairs and walking towards the kitchen.

            “What are you wearing?” She looked at me in confusion. Last time I checked, I hadn’t walked out in my birthday suit, so I was pretty puzzled myself. What’s up with her this morning?

            “Uh…clothes?” I tugged on my dress to clearly show her that I was in fact not naked.

            “Um…ok. I…I like it. Yeah, I like it,” she said awkwardly. I really hoped she meant that.

            “Alright…Thanks…Yeah, mom you were in a rush?” I reminded her.

            “Oh yeah!” She got back to grabbing her coffee and toast for breakfast and rushed out of the kitchen. “Ok honey, I’ll see you later tonight!” She pecked me on the cheek and was about to go out the door when she stopped in the doorway. “And I like him honey. Try to hold onto him.” With one last wink and a goofy smile, she finally left the house, and I continued my normal routine. This time, however, I was surprised by an early morning text from guess who?

Jericho: Good Morning Sunshine! Ready to start the day?

Me: Sorta. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe. No.

Jericho: Well that didn’t sound very confident lol hopefully we’ll survive the day. U need a ride?

Me: No. Driving myself today. Plus, I have work after and have to be able to drive myself home.

Jericho: R u sure now?

Me: Yeah I’m sure haha

Jericho: Too l8

            Scaring the heck out of me, a horn honked outside my door and almost made me spill my cereal. I got up and walked out the door to see that sleek, black Viper pulling up on my driveway. “What the heck are you doing here?!” I yell since the engine was still loud. He parked the car and came out with that sly smile on his face.

            “Picking my girlfriend up for school. Isn’t that what boyfriends are supposed to do? By the way nice dress. I like the change.”

            “Thanks. And I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t know.” Don’t judge. You already understand why.

            “Fair enough, but that’s not exactly a bad thing,” he said with a goofy smile on his face.

“Why are you smiling like that?” I asked as he approached me. He walked briskly towards me and before I could react he grabbed my face and started kissing me, intensely I might add. More so than yesterday. The old me would’ve stopped him then and there, but this me just kissed him back just as intensely. When he finally stopped so we could catch our breath, he spoke up.

            “I’m smiling because I’m the one who you get to have your firsts with. The one you’ll tell your kids about when they get old enough to ask what your first kiss was like, your first date, all that.” He’s right. He is my first.

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