Chapter 29 -- Jericho

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“Jer...” Ellie said looking at me. She was beautiful. This was the first time I had seen her in over a month, and she had never looked more beautiful. To be poetic, I’d say that she put all of the stars to shame.

“Wh—What are you doing here?” She struggled to say.

“I need you to come with me. Please.” I held out my hand towards her. She looked like she was going to have a panic attack, but I guess I can’t blame her. Then I heard the girls coming down from upstairs and when they saw me I just gave a subtle nod of my head. Ellie turned to look at them with a still panicked look on her face.

“You knew about this? What—What is going on here? I don’t know what’s happening. Can someone please tell me something?” She questioned. She sounded like she was going to cry and her face was more shocked and confused than ever.

“Ellie, relax. Please? There’s a reason he’s here, but we can’t be the ones to tell you,” Hazel explained holding Ellie’s shoulders.

“She’s right ok? We just need you to relax and trust him alright? You can get mad at us later, but right now just go with him.” That was Thalia.

“Please Ellie? You may be scared right now, but trust us when we say it’s okay to be. You know you can do this. Just go,” Rose urged. I saw Ellie’s shoulders slowly rise and fall, and I could tell she was getting herself to relax. I was thankful that the three of them were here to support her. She would need it before she was to go for a ride with me after a month and a half.

Slowly, she turned to face me with that fierce look on her face she would get when she was angry. She took one last deep breath with her eyes closed and finally was slowly walking toward me.

“What are you doing here?” She asked calmly.

“I want to show you something.”


“Because you need to see it.”

“That’s not good enough.”

“I know. I want to explain it to you...but I can’t here.” I stepped into the house and was surprised when she didn’t stop me. I slowly walked towards her, but she just stayed in her spot. She didn’t move an inch. Even when I was standing directly in front of her and having to tilt my head down because she was short she didn’t falter. Her strong stance stayed firm. “Will you please come with me?” I asked gently.

She looked off to the side at the floor contemplating her decision. I saw her fists clench and thought she was going to punch me. But then they unclenched, and she moved her head to face me again. However, she didn’t look at me.

“Fine.” She angrily walked around me and out the door. She didn’t say a word.

“Well, at least she hasn’t punched me yet,” I said looking at the girls.

“Be glad I haven’t punched you yet,” Hazel said as a matter of fact. I grinned at her and her friends and walked out the door towards what hopefully didn’t end up being a disaster.

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