Chapter 28 -- Ellie, 12/21/14

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Thirteen days are up. I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my room and looked at my alarm clock. It was only ten in the morning. Did I feel any different? No. I sat up in bed with tired eyes and looked around my room. Everything was the same as how I left it yesterday and nothing magical had happened to my emotions to make them less of a hassle.

The only good thing about today was that apparently, there was a Christmas party at a fancy hotel ballroom Thalia’s parents got invited to and Thalia was able to get us in. All three of them were supposed to come over today and doll me up for the night. I had to admit I really liked when they treated me like a Barbie doll. It kinda made me feel like a totally different person. I guess this was the “rebirth” I needed today.

The party didn’t start ‘til five, but the girls were gonna come over about an hour earlier so they had more time to work with me before it was time to leave. This gave me about six hours to do whatever. The question was what I was gonna do for those six hours. In the end, I settled for breakfast downstairs, catching up on TV shows I’ve missed, and some sketching. When I went back up to my room after breakfast and my show catch up, I saw that three hours had passed. It was already about twelve thirty.

I grabbed my sketchbook and decided to see if some inspiration would appear, so I could try sketching something. I noticed that five pages of it were of that mysterious tulip and page six was that sketch of Jer that first day I saw him in history. I couldn’t believe that I actually made it that detailed. It surprised me to see how nice it actually came out. Even though it was just his back from where I sit in class, it still was something. Then I remembered something.

I drew my starting circle and it took up a good portion of the paper. Then I started drawing different sized ovals connecting to the circle all along the edges. I did a lot of erasing and filling in and the ovals were turning into different shapes. Misshapen triangles I guess you could call them. In my mind, I could see them ripple and move like waves. In a matter of another two hours, I finally finished. I had sketched the shape of the charm on the necklace Jer gave me all that time ago. The moon connected to the sun. I drew the smiles on their faces and was reminded of what it meant.

“Did you say your name meant ‘Daughter of the sun?’?”

“Yeah why?”

“Because in Arabic, Jericho means “City of the moon.’ Looks like opposites do attract.”

I recalled the story he told me of how the moon loved the sun so much he died every night to let her breathe. It was so sad yet so romantic at the same time. Complete opposites still finding hope in a love that was forbidden.

I’m never gonna get that again.

Eliana, daughter of the sun born on the summer solstice with Jericho, the city of the moon. Well, sometimes fate doesn’t end up the way we wanted now does it?

Suddenly, I hear my phone buzz from a text message. I grabbed my phone to see that it was Eric.

Eric: U ready for me 2 pick u up for the party tonite?

Me: Do I really have a choice?

Eric: Not on your life. Lol

Me: Girls are coming to doll me up in about 3 hours.

Eric: Awesome! You’re gonna look so purty! I’m picking y’all up at 5. Ur ok rite?

Was I?

Me: Yes. No. Maybe.

Eric: It’s alright. It’s gonna be ok.

Nothing’s ever gonna be completely ok. My failed hope at rebirth just confirmed that. I decided that maybe a nap would get my mind off things. This was gonna be my way to freshen up before the party. If anything it was gonna be my way of freshening my entire mind before the party.

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