Chapter 17 10/31/14

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The next few days went by in a blur. My homework was done, and I did suffer a few too many lectures, but my sketchbook was there to make it bearable. Each just day carried on like normal. It wasn’t Tuesday anymore so on Wednesday we ended up at a table with the girl’s which ended up better than I thought it would. Jer was being a gentleman and nice overall. The girl’s never freaked out or anything and treated him as if he was their old friend. It made me smile to think that they were all ok with each other. When Friday rolled around, Jer told me that their “girlish ways” are pretty funny.

“Well aren’t I girly? Do I not have ‘girlish ways’ about me? The last time I checked, I’m pretty sure I was a girl,” I asked only half joking.

“In all honesty, no love, you do not have that many ‘girlish ways’ about you. But you know what? I’m perfectly fine with it. If anything it just makes me feel more comfortable to be around you.” I didn’t like being that girly either. I mean yes, I liked clothes and makeup and the occasional hot guy on T.V., but I was never excessive. I only ever went off of what the girls would tell me about.

“I’m glad you feel that way. So you wanna tell me what we’re doing today?”

“Again it’s a surprise,” he chuckled. “You’ll find out soon. Just go to work, go home for a good shower, and I’ll pick you up at eight. Alright?”

“Ok? And how should dress for this occasion exactly?”

“Well, it’s an outdoorsy thing. I’ll tell you that. Maybe some trousers and a jumper.” Oh I know these ones! Trousers equal pants (not pants as in underwear) and jumper equals sweater. I got this.

“Alright. Sounds fun,” I said with a small smile. “Since it’s Halloween, we’ll be skipping trick-or-treating, but I have a feeling this’ll probably be better.”

“Well, I’m sorry you get to miss out on cavities and diabetes. And not to toot my own horn, but I think what I have planned will probably be better than trick-or-treating.”  

“As long as we don’t get hacked to pieces by Jason, I’ll believe you. See you then.” He left me with a peck on the lips, and I drove to work with the hidden excitement and curiosity of what I’d be doing tonight.

Work carried on as usual. Eric came home on Tuesday, and we just caught up on what we had been doing for the past couple days. “I think I may be getting that job,” he told me. “I mean everything went so incredibly well. I feel it in my gut.”

“I know you will. You worked hard for this and still are. I won’t jinx it though, so I’ll just say that you have my full support.” After everything that’s happened he really did need something to make him feel accomplished. I’ve mentally praying that he got this job. If he didn’t, well...I didn’t know what would happen. “He has something planned for us tonight and tomorrow. Not sure what, but I’m a bit excited.”

“Well, you know for a fact that it’s gonna be fun. If the millionaire has something planned for you, there’s no doubt in my mind that it’s gonna be amazing,” he explained. “How are you guys anyway? You haven’t really told me much since the last time we talked.” I thought about it for a minute. How were we really?

“Eric, if I’m being completely honest I’d take the new optimistic side of me and say that we’re great. I mean I’m really happy with him. He makes me feel like I’m actually living. But...sometimes I question myself as to whether or not I really deserve it. I think about whether or not we’ll last or if I’ll be able to forget about everything I had against men and ‘keep the love alive.’ I keep thinking about whether or not he’ll be bored of me and just toss me on the curb and then what?” All of these fears had become present the last few days. Each day they grew a little stronger than the last. I was afraid that eventually I wouldn’t be able to take it and they’d swallow me whole.

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