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I felt like I was suffocating being miles under ground for the first time in a very long time and even in the depths of the tribute centre there was still a clear way out. This place was designed to keep us in and other people out. Marching me into a room that had maps spread out all over it it became clear that it was a blue print of the Capitol, the entire Capitol. On further inspection of the room all the monitors were cameras in various parts of Panem. Getting closer I could pick most of them out but there was one that held my attention

"I hope one day we can get you back to District 4, Miss Monroe"

"President Coin I assume?" Holding her hand out for me to shake I did so hesitantly.

"I have so wanted to meet you. You persona is legendary after all" Motioning for me to take a seat she sat straight on facing me. "Before we start would you prefer your friends to be here? I would like you to be comfortable, I can assume you have not been for a very long time" Nodding she sent one of her assistants to fetch Finn and Haymitch, Gale however never moved from my side. After a few moments of silence the others came in, both sitting next to me but they weren't the only ones.

"Chloe Monroe"

"Plutarch Heavensbee? I can honestly say I didn't see that coming" Chuckling slightly why had I never question where the head game maker had gone

"My apologies for not getting you out, you are of great importance to me" And to President Coin it would seem. Offering him the biggest smile I could muster the corners of my mouth barely turned up. He'd left me for dead, he'd left us all to be caged and wielded as weapons but that was exactly what they had done to Katniss and Finnick. They were weapons to be wielded against the Capitol.

"My men have spoken of your heroics in the Capitol, in ensuring they got out alive. Thank you though I would like to know exactly what happened" Shrugging my shoulders I didn't know what to tell her, it was pretty simple.

"Well somebody had to pay for it so I killed the doctor who tortured us all, shot him and stood on his neck. Watched the life fade from his eyes"

"And?" Coin pressed and I could see she was bighting the inside of her cheek though I don't know why considering my person was so 'legendary' as she so kindly put it.

"And 1 or 2..."

"5" Gale informed them

"5! Of the Peacekeepers"

"Don't forget the Avox" Snapping my head towards Gale he was about to become an Avox if he kept opening his mouth.

"That was an accident!" I hadn't meant to kill him but he had gotten caught in the crossfire, simply collateral damage. All eyes were on me, lips slightly parted and I honestly didn't know why they were all so shocked by this. I'd done worse to ensure my own survival.

"Are you sorry?" Coin asked and I had to admit I was a little taken a back. No one had ever asked me that question before.

"Am I sorry? For killing them? No, not really" Why would I be sorry for killing people who ahd tried to kill me? What kind of stupidity was that question.

"I had heard things about your specific skill set though I never could of imagined just how brutal such a pretty face could be"

"Thank you"

"It wasn't a compliment"

"Yes it was"

"Okay maybe a little bit" Deep down she wished she could do what I did, it was written clear across every line in her face. "I guess I should have known better than to underestimate a-"

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now