Love is a war

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I'd let them dress me, doing whatever they had wanted, whatever they had deemed to be worthy for tonights performance. I realised it was times like this that I would rather be in the games than being dressed up and paraded around. Sat picking at my nails everyones eyes were on me, there was probably a gun pointed right in between my eyes in case i stepped out of line. Listening to Ceaser spout some bullshit to the cameras he beckoned for me to take my place, whilst the last time had been a stage this was more intimate. The couches within Snow's office being our podium. Taking my seat the lights were blinding and the blood was pounding in my head. This is what i assumed a dear caught in headlights felt like.

"Is everything alright my dear?" Snapping my head towards Ceasar I wanted to ring his neck more than I had ever wanted anything in my life.

"I just watched District 8 burn. How do you think i feel right now?"

"But that was Katniss Everdeen's doing was it not?" Now wasn't that the million dollar question.

"Maybe, maybe not" Shrugging my shoulders i passed the question off as not being worth my time, I didn't want to be here anymore than he did.

"But surely you have something to say about it all?" Pressing me further i took in a deep breath and sighed heavily making sure the camera picked up on my licking my top teeth. "It was quite clear during the Quarter Quell that you and Miss Everdeen did not always see eye to eye, you yourself said that you wanted to kill her" Looking at the ground the sound of a door opening grabbed my attention as Cato walked in and stood next to the camera. Why was he here? "Miss Monroe?" Unable to take my eyes away from him he gently shook his head, what was that supposed to mean? Slowly turning back to Ceaser he looked concerned, did he not know Cato was going to be here?

"Well she did try to fry us all. And as for District 8 I understand that this is a difficult and turbulent time for all of us, I understand that the way some people conduct themselves requires harsh retaliation. The people of the districts understand the position they are in right now and they have the choice to either be on the winning side or the loosing one. We cannot make that choice for them. District chose the loosing side and they paid for it with their lives"

"So you do blame Miss Everdeen for the travesty's witnessed today?" Looking back over to Cato he nodded for me to agree with what had just been said.

"I blame the people who sent her there, I don't think Katniss is doing all this herself, do you?"

"No I don't think she is, so you think she is being forced to do and say and do the things we are witnessing?" Sitting up a bit straighter this was either going to go really well or really wrong.

"I think she's being manipulated into playing a role she doesn't want. Whoever is behind all this quite clearly needs a scapegoat to blame for all the atrocities committed and unfortunately  that scapegoat is Katniss".

"And what of Finnick Odair?" No one had said we were going to be talking about him, the last time I had opened my mouth about Finnick I had payed heavily for it. "You you think he is being forced to do things he doesn't want to do?" When I didn't answer a Peacekeeper stepped forward and pointed his rifle at Cato's head.

"No!" Gripping the edge of my chair my knuckles were turning white as the blood rushed away. 


"No, I mean yes i think he is being forced  but that doesn't excuse what he is a part of" Lowering the rifle Cato didn't even as much flinch and instead his face seemed more relaxed than I had seen it n a very long time. Did he know what he was being used for right now? Had he volunteered?

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