Born to die

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For a few moments it was if time was frozen, the words that had so easily slipped out of his mouth were not what I had expected, nor had even thought about. No one had been in that room so no one had heard about the deal I had struck which meant that the man standing in front of me was involved in this far deeper than I had ever imagined.

"What are on about?" I asked moving a few steps away from him.

"Well that's what you've done isn't it? It's what Snow wanted to talk to you alone about" Moving to the door he flipped the latch closed meaning no one could get in unless they overrode the system and seeing as we were now supposed to be married tomorrow no one would be doing. "You sold somebody out to get your brother back"

"You knew he was alive the whole time?" Shrugging he leant back against the dresser, not an ounce of remorse on his face. "Why didn't you tell me!"

"You never would have left if you'd of known" Of course I wouldn't have left. "You needed to get out of there"

"That wasn't your choice to make" Turning away from the thought of my brother being there the entire time whilst I walked around somewhat free was nauseating.

"But somebody needed to make it, Rickie isn't who you remember. He's not that kid that you grew up with he's-"

"I know who my brother is! I saw what he became, what we all became!"

"The difference is you have fought to overcome it whilst he's let it consume him". He had no idea what I had let consume me, did he truly believe the story I had spun for them all, did he truly think that the girl who's good before him was the same one who had grown up playing in the ocean with her family always next to her?

"You've seen him?" I asked finding yet another betrayal from the man I was supposed to trust above all other's.

"He was there when they first brought you in, after that I only saw him occasionally. They wanted the part of you that was still damaged, that was still blood thirsty. The rest didn't't interest them"

"Well that didn't quite work out the way they wanted it did it?" Once again he shrugged before crossing his arms and letting out a sigh.

"Look where you are Chloe, there's no difference between Coin and Snow, I know you can see it, I know Katniss can see it my only question is why have neither of you done anything about it?" Now it was my time to lean back and wait for it finally to click in his the head, the answer to his question was right infant of him. I was disappointed it had taken him this long to figure it out but then it seemed to click in his head just why I had done everything that I had done, how I had reacted when my back was against a wall..or at least, that is how I had made it appear. "Unless you already have" Standing up straighter the realisation spread across his face "That was the deal you made? Rickie for Coin?" Shrugging at him it must have all seemed so obvious now, why I had always been the first to argue against her decisions, why it always had to be me to take the lead. I'd needed to get under her skin to make what I was doing justifiable. I'd always planned to take Coin down, she was hardly innocent. I'd known that from the beginning. How could anyone sit huddled away in the dark whilst the rest of the districts burned under the oppressive hand of the Capitol? "They'll kill you before you get the chance!"

"Who said it's going to be me that does it?"

"You agreed-"

"Agreed to ensure Coins life ends? Yes I did but I never said it would be me that did it" Walking up to him his eyes held so much confusion, slowly I lifted my hand to hold his cheek. "There's so much that you don't know, that you could never know. You think you know how to play the game but you don't because for better or for worse Snow sheilded you from the reality of what it means to be a Victor. Though I guess he did teach you how to be a good spy" Pulling away he looked shocked and began to stutter his words out "Don't bother. You knew they were coming to get us, you went out of your way to help us get out there. You wouldn't of done that unless you could guarantee there would be no cost to your own life"

"Always so perceptive about everybody but yourself" In this game you had to be, it was that or loose your life to something much worse and I'd survived too much to be knocked down by other people's stupidity. About to argue with him a know on the door interrupted the confession session we had been engaging with. Yanking the door open a young girl stood there with a ball of white in her hands.

"Pardon Miss Monroe but President Coin thought you might want to wear this for tonight" Handing me the white garment it became apparent that this is what 13 considered a wedding dress.holding it up I guess it could have been worse, but it was nothing in comparison to the things we would wear in 4. "Everyone is going to the hall, you can join us when you're ready" with a kurt nod the girl vanished. Taking a deep breath I had no choice but to go through with this.

"It seems neither of us are who we thought we were" that much was true, the people we had been had died in that arena. They had walked in but they had never walked back out again and no matter how much I tried to deny it I had become a product of the Capitol.

"You never knew the real me" Walking out of the room I left him there just like I had done so many times before but this time was different. This time I was determined to never return. Turning a corner I stashed the dress in a corner that would be hidden from people as they walked by unless they looked really closely. Turning a few more corners I eventually ended up at the door where my life was quite possibly going to change forever. Knocking loudly it took a few seconds before it pulled open to reveal Gale looking slightly confused.


" Help me end this, all of it" For a moment he said nothing but I knew he understood what I was asking of him. What I was asking him to risk but as soon as the hesitation came it was gone and he was fully committed to what I needed.

"What do you need me to do?"

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now