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Waiting backstage in a ridiculously sparkly dress everyone was trying to calm their nerves but it wasn't them going on next. Tapping my fingers on the wall I was ready to rip into Enorbia for what she had said during her interview and what she had done the other day but first I had to wait for Wiress

 "What are you planning Chloe?" Finnick asked placing a tight hand on my shoulder with a cocked eyebrow but before I could answer him my name was called and the crowd erupted into cheers. Forcing a smile I pointed at the ground which got them even more excited. Waving as I took my set next to Cesar he brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.to take her place with the other tributes.

"My my stun

"Honestly Cesar it's like I never left. The capital is my home and it always will be" earning more cheers from the crowd they had no idea what was coming for them.

"How did you feel when it was announced that it would be victors going into the arena and now that you see who your going back in with does it change your plan at all?" Taking a deep breath I turned to look at all the tributes, all those who had fought for their survival and now were paying for it with their lives.

"You know what. When I found out it sucked because we all fought for the right to live and now the capitol is taking that from us but I cannot wait to tear some of you apart. Some of the tributes seem to have a very short memory. Forgetting who I am and what I've done! I single handily took out 14 tributes. I killed my own brother and you can be damn sure that'll I'll do the exact same this time around " Making my threat loud and clear Enorbia bared her teeth at me.

"Woah clear tension between you two" Ceaser said laughing as I narrowed my eyes at the district 2 tribute. "Well we all hope that you return" he said still laughing.

"You laugh when you lie" calling him out the smile on his face dropped almost Immediately.

I'm not sure what your trying-"

"You know exactly what I'm saying. You don't hope I return, no one in power does because I beat you and beat the system so go ahead and put me in that arena, I swear to God if I get out I am going to burn your precious capital to the ground and to President Snow who im sure is listening very closely. Take heed when I say that I have a long list of names and yours is underlined you son of a bitch" cut off Immediately the tension could have been cut with a knife as I was moved away to stand next to Wiress and Finnick was shuffled in with a glance in my direction before he stole the crowd with a reciting of a poem which had obviously been written for Annie and something stirred in me that I couldn't explain Joanna follows him and she too is forced off the stage after her outburst about the capitol. Winking at me as she came to stand in line with the tributes I held my head high. They couldn't beat us because we'd already been broke and now we were ready for what was to come. After the remaining tributes are played out in front of the crowd, each getting various reactions Katniss walks onto the stage in a ridiculous wedding dress that I know she didn't want to wear. President Snows ultimate warning to everyone however it seemed to backfire on the crowd as they began calling for a reversal, Screaming for their favourite tribute to be allowed home. 

"So Katniss it's obviously an emotional night for everyone. Is there anything you'd like to say? " Caesar asked her as Katniss looked like she was going to brake.

"Only that I'm so sorry you won't get to be at my wedding...but I'm glad you at least get to see me in my wedding dress. Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?" without warning she starts to spin and the dress looks like it's been set on fire. The smoke rose and rose and for a second fear struck at everyone before the flames and smoke fell away and Katniss was stood in a now coal black dress with wings. Mouth falling open everyone else seemed to have the same reaction.

Feathers. You're like a bird"

"A Mockingjay I think" she corrected. She'd just unleashed her symbol to the capital and Cinna had just sighed his death certificate 

"Cinna I think you better taking a bow" standing up the stylist bowed humbly to the crowd as they ate him up in praise. Clapping along with various other tributes what he had done surely had started a riot in the hearts of those who cared. Next and last to come on is Peeta who holds his dignity to highly and I admire him for that but I couldn't pay attention his interview. My mind was too caught up in the fact that tomorrow we were all going to hell

"Well were actually already married" Pulling my attention towards him everyone was looking at each other. Searching for Haymitches face in the crowd he seemed calm, he knew this was going to happen and had most likely planned it.

"Well I'm glad you two had a few months of happiness together"

"I'm not glad. I would be though if it wasn't for the baby" he announced. Groaning loudly as everyone threw themselves into uproars they sure knew how to make this worse. Well if they wanted attention they sure as hell had it.

Now What?" Finnick hissed in my ear.

"I have no idea" I answered honestly. Now we had to protect a fake baby as well as the capitals darling. It has become almost i possible for the crowd to be controlled and the best attempt was the cranking u of the anthem to drown out the sounds. Unsure of what to a wave of unity spread through the tributes as Wiress held my hand tightly. Taking Finnick hand everyone had united in a final display of defiance. Raising our arms into the air there were screams for the broadcast to be pulled but it was too late. Our unity had already been streamed and 5e world would see that we were not taking this lying down. Suddenly the lights cut out and we were all thrust into darkness. Keeping a hold of Finnick hand he guided me out into the training centre. 

"Joanna " I called in the midst of the chaos .

"I'm here" she shouted back pushing her way towards us. Reaching forward I grabbed her hand before peacekeepers were rushed in and forced us all apart.

"Back to your floors" they screamed over and over again, violently removing anyone who crossed their paths. Pulled away from Joanna me and Finnick were pushed into an elevator and sent to our floor.

"What the hell was that about?" He asked referring to what I had said.

"They won't brake me anymore, there's nothing left for me. If I have to kill them I will. I'm a killer Finn you need to accept that" I said keeping my face forwards even though I could He was looking at me.

"I did this and I'm so sorry "

"You didn't do this. They did and tomorrow they're going to pay"

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now