Piece by piece

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Today filled me with even more dread. Today I would know who I was going into that arena with, which friends I was going  to have to slaughter. How many memories I was going to have to repress in my already dark mind. Stepping out into the living area everyone was already sat around the table. Without even glancing at anyone I walked straight past them into the elevator. I knew 12 got here last night but I desperately needed to know if it was Peeta or Haymitch. Htiiing the button for their flat my heart was beating a mile a minute. What if it was Haymitch? What if I had to kill him? I know it's what he would want if it meant me or Katniss getting out but I don't think I could actually bring myself to take his life away from.

As the elevator reached their apartment the to was blaring loudly, standing behind pillar I sighed seeing Haymitch introducing the tributes to his. He wasn't going in and it filled me with unimaginable love. Now I only had to protect Katniss. The to screen was showing the district 3 tributes. Beetle and Wiress had arrived a few hours before we did and it broke my heart to see them here, they were two of the most genuine victors to ever emerge and the world needed them. Suddenly Finnicks smirking face popped up onto the screen
"Finnick Odair right?" Katniss spoke up causing a small smile to form on my lips
"Won his games at 14, youngest ever victor and  attractive to, that's where he gets his support from" nice way to put it Haymitch. Next my face came in showing me volunteering for Annie with Mags trying to stop me. Taking a deep breath, it was that moment that I chose to dedicate the rest of my life to protecting the victors in front of me. The girl that had sparked a revolution that no one could squash
"Chloe Monroe, won her games by doing whatever the hell she wanted. Stabbed, strangled, blown u, drowned she even got a few to commit suicide by getting into their heads but I'm sure you already knew that" I'd never thought about like that, how I won my games I mean. I did what I had to do to survive and get myself out of there but each life I had taken had played on my mind on a constant loop of misery and torment
"She was there! When the peacekeepers got Gale. She stopped it" Peeta spoke up whilst Haymitch nodded pressing pause on the tv.
"I want you to team up with her" he said simply
"What!" Effie shrilled standing up abruptly. She thought he was crazy and maybe he was but weren't we all now?
"Well don't sound so shocked" I said finally stepping out into the view of 4 very shocked people who hadn't expected anyone. Walking towards them Haymitch held his arms open for a hug .
" Chloe Monroe, district 4 tribute and victor or the 72nd hunger games" he introduced me much to the dismay of the orange haired capital freak.
" How do we know we can trust her?" Katniss asked clearly not believing that Haymitch could be serious
"You don't but what choice do you have? " thy knew I was right, they didn't have a choice
"She's the best chance you've got if getting out alive, please just listen " Haymitch was trying to plead with his team but they didn't want to listen and they sure as hell didn't want to team up but for some reason they remained quite, listening to what I had to say.
"This time will not be like the last time. Your not dealing with teenagers anymore your going up against experienced killers who blame you entirely for what's happening. Clove and Cato are not Brutus and Enorbia , Seeder and Chaff are not Rue and Thresh" Katniss eyes had started to blur at the mention of the little girl that had broke her heart, the little girl who should be at home not worrying about anything but it needed to be done
"Everything is different now, the game has changed. These people have had years to keep training and learn new tactics but you have the advantage. They haven't been in in a while, the closest are me and Finnick who I am sure you are dying to meet. But do not underestimate them, they will slit your throats and not think twice about it" as hard as they tried to play it off the fear was evident in their eyes though Effie seemed to be having a meltdown
"No! No! No! They are just children " she cried. Turning to face her a look of disdain crossed onto my face
"We all were, each and every victor went into that arena as a child and came out a monster. You should be proud Effie yours seem sane well saner than the others anyway but that's just a front isn't it?" All eyes were baring into me now each one holding a thousand questions
"You wake up screaming nearly every night don't you? Seeing Cato get eaten, Glimmer being stung and even seeing that spear sink into Rues body"
"Stop! " Katniss screeched rising to her feet. Coming at me I grabbed her arm twisting it and sending her crashing to the floor.
"Well that was stupid" holding out my hand for her to take she slapped it away staying in the floor with anger bubbling her blood
"Look, I didn't mean to upset you I was just telling you the reality of this situation"
"That they are going to destroy us even more piece by fucking piece. You have to be strong because there isn't another option. When you go into training tomorrow you do not show a single weakness, be arrogant and if your going to fight anyone only go with me and Finnick ok?" The room was filled with a deathly silence as no one said a word just looked at each other
"Okay?" I said even louder causing them to flinch. Nodding his head Peeta looked up his eyes catching mine and I could see all the pain he was trying to conceal, it was the same pain that I held in desperate for no one to see a single ounce of it.
"Have fun tonight" leaving them with my final words I head backs for the elevator with thoughts bouncing around in my head. I was going to get her out, she needed to get out to keep this revolution alive.

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now