Who knew

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Life would never be the same, it didn't get better, the nightmares didn't just disappear but no one would tell you that . They wouldn't tell you how you would wake up screaming from the memories or how the dark would now be terrifying. They wouldn't tell you how you would have to sleep with a weapon out of fear that someone or something would kill you, they wouldn't tell you how friends and family would be scared of you or that even the slightest of noises could send you spiralling into chaos. None of these things would be mentioned because we were the victors. We were the ones who had overcome the odds. We had played the game and had won but no one ever truly wins, were just the ones who survived. Nothing more nothing less.

Living in district four was probably the best thing for me. Everything was so calm and peaceful though after my games water should have terrified me since they tried to drown us in it but I had got past it and learnt to live with the ordeal of the final day. I was told that going back would be different, that it wouldn't seem the same district four that it had been when I left and that was accurate to say the least. People looked at me with a new found sadness even still 2 years later they pitied the girl who watched her brother die but still came out. The games had taken everything from me. I'd lost my brother to them and my parents had been killed when their boat had capsized one day and the waves had dragged them under and claimed them. Sometimes I think that that is why they flooded the arena, to get to me. But that wasn't all they had taken. My best friend had gone into those games and come out something entirely different. Finnick was no longer the sweet, caring boy that had looked after me and been there through everything . He was now an arrogant, selfish asshat who didn't care about anyone but himself. I hadn't spoke to him since the day he got back and even when I had been reaped he had ignored me whilst Mags had watched over me with Haymitch by her side. I'd helped his district right up until they both died and he had appreciated that so made it his mission to get me out alive. I had even been given free passage to district 12 whenever I wanted to go visit him, he had become like a father to me and i would never be able to repay him for what he had done for me. I wouldn't have won those games without him. So that's why I turned to his district last year when my tributes had both died. They were so young, younger than I had been and even younger than Finnick. They never stood a chance. Katniss though had intrigued me from the start, volunteering for her sister wAs something to be admired , she had started the spark and it wasn't going to die out soon.

Throwing the remainder of my clothing into a rucksack I headed for the door. My house always felt so cold and empty since no one bar Mags and Annie ever came in. Closing the door I stepped out into Victors village only to be met by a douchebag blocking my path. Trying to manoeuvre around him he blocked my path and smirked
" And your going where?" He asked curiously but I was in no mood to speak to him
"The the Quarter Quell is being announced and I'd like to spend it with my family now if you don't mind" trying to step around him again he blocked my path
"Move Odair" I spat angrily at him
"Or what Monroe?" Tilting my head to the side I smirked causing confusion to pass over his face. Without aiding any alarm I dropped to the floor and swept his legs from underneath him. Watching him fall tot he floor gave me great satisfaction
"Tell Mags I'll be back in two days " and with that I left my former best friend lying on the ground as I headed for the train .

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now