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I'd say that they had let me out of the hospital wing but it was more like I had forced my way out. The salve had healed the wound quicker than anything they would have ever been able to do naturally so staying somewhere I was of little use to anyone just didn't seem plausible. No one had deemed it necessary to inform me that whilst I had been recovering all of the had been to District Two to rile up any supporters of the rebellion, the most of them residing on the outskirts of the District. They'd seen Cato alive and were well and truly pissed over the fact they had been lied to and mislead by the Capitol who had so blatantly favoured them. Though I had to admit watching Cato and Katniss interact on screen was fairly amusing seeing as the last time they had properly been together their had been a lot more blood shed.

"Did you ever go to District Two Ms Monroe?" What a stupid question to ask someone who had both been a victor and a fiancé.

"Only twice" But I could tell you every single thing about the pampered pups

"And?" President Snow pressed.


"Well do you think they'll side with us?" Shrugging I turned away from the screen

"War makes people do crazy things, crazy enough to bite the hand that feeds them? I don't know" They benefited more than any other District from the Capitol there really was no saying in if they would swap sides and even if they all did I didn't doubt that there would be some conditions to be met.

"But Mr Hadley-"

"Was just a tribute who wasn't good enough to be a victor" It was harsh but it was true. In places like that a tribute was just that until they became a victor, they didn't mean anything. When dead everyone saw it as shameful, the dead were rarely mourned but maybe this would be different because he was no longer dead.

"Madam President Soldier Hawthorne and Lyme from District Two are ready for you"

"Lyme?" She was here? Without a second thought I followed the man down towards the conference room where everyone was waiting though I can't say I'd expected Cato and Katniss to be here, I thought they were still out there.

"I'd been wondering when you'd show up" Heart heavy as my eyes fell over the women who held so much strength within her it was relieving to see another victor within these prison walls , one that hadn't actually tried to kill me or vice versa. "Heard you got your ass handed to you by little Annie Cresta" Taunting me it was done in jest but it was still humiliating.

"Yes well it wont happen again" Taking my seat in between Cato and Finnick I knew they had done it on purpose, both trying to make me feel as uncomfortable as possible. Hell those two probably planned it knowing them.

"Good! I've missed seeing the real you" Snorting through my nose I knew what she meant by that, she, just like everyone else saw me as the killer without remorse. The one who could look you in the eyes and convince you to walk over the edge. That's who they thought I was and maybe that was exactly who I needed to be. Beginning her presentation she took us through the Nut, explaining all the ins-and-outs whilst the others asked question after question until we had devised a clear plan but every single one eventually got shot down because it just wasn't plausible. Either because we'd get show down ourselves which wasn't an option or there was no guarantee we'd get where we wanted to go. Leaning my head back into the chair I studied the map in front of me but it didn't slip my notice that Katniss was keeping extremely quiet in this moment. Catching me looking at her she looks down to break my gaze but that just gives it all away. "The next person who suggests we take the entrances better have a brilliant way to do it, because you're going to be the one leading the mission"

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now