Get Her Out

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Finnick P.O.V

It had been less than 10 hours since what had happened in District 8 had been broadcast to the rest of the districts, the had watched 8 burn and seen the doing of the Capitol. If they hadn't been on our side then they would be now. Katniss had found herself in that rubble and she would be the one to lead this rebellion. Walking into the board room the others were already there, planning the next segment of whatever was going on but there was also plans to rescue those who had been left behind. Johanna and Chloe would be able to hold their own, I knew that. Maybe even Peeta but Annie wouldn't and despite what I had said i cared deeply for her. She was so fragile, so weak and so utterly different to Chloe. His best friend who he had betrayed in more ways than one. Some days it was hard to look Haymitch in the face knowing how much he cared for her and I knew he'd give anything to have her stood with us I would to but we'd let her go.

"They're broadcasting from the Capitol. Quick change the channel" Beetee told them. Flicking to the Capitols channel Chloe filled their screen, looking unphased but lost which is something you would only notice if you truly knew her. Immediately me and Haymitch stood up and moved closer to the screen.

"Is everything okay my dear?" Ceaser asked her. What a stupid question!

"I just watched District 8 burn how do you think i feel right now?" She said back to him but her lack of posture and the bags under her eyes told the world that she was done.

"But that was Katniss Everdeens doing was it not?"

"Maybe, maybe not?" Shrugging her shoulders she relaxed further into the chair.

"She looks so tired" I said taking in the lack of energy.

"Be thankful that's the only noticeable thing, they probably don't let her sleep much so she's too tired to argue" Haymitch told them with a small smile tugging on his lips. Arguing would be her best defence and he knew she'd do it as much as possible. he was probably right about keeping her tired so she did what they wanted with little fuss.

"Surely you have something to say about it all? It was quite clear that during the Quarter Quell you and Miss Everdeen did not  always see eye to eye, you yourself said you had wanted to kill her" Yeah and he'd had to stop her. Watching as her eyes flicked to the ground there was something else that caught her attention before she could answer the question. Furrowing her eyebrows whatever she was looking at had her full attention.

"What is she looking at?" I asked

"Whatever it is she's got her sights locked on it" Haymitch said in response. She looked like she was stalking prey, it was odd.

"Miss Monroe?" Ceaser pressed but his eyes also flicked to whatever had gotten her attention before going back to her. But now he looked weary of her sudden change in attitude. Slowly pulling her eyes away she return back to Ceaser. I'd kill to know what she was looking at right now, clearly it meant something to her for it to gain so much of her attention. 

"Well she did try to fry us all. And as for District 8 I understand that this is a difficult and turbulent time for all of us, I understand that the way some people conduct themselves requires harsh retaliation. The people of the districts understand the position they are in right now and they have the choice to either be on the winning side or the loosing one. We cannot make that choice for them. District chose the loosing side and they paid for it with their lives" She didn't mean that, she couldn't! 

"So you do blame Miss Everdeen for the travesty's witnessed today?" Once again looking away someone must have been there to tell her what to say, too keep her in line.

"I blame the people who sent her there, I don't think Katniss is doing all this herself, do you?"

"No I don't think she is, so you think she is being forced to do and say and do the things we are witnessing?"

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