Truth, Lies, Deceit

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"You mistake is thinking Chloe is like the others. I've been around victors the majority of my life and none of them have ever compared to her. Sure she gets nightmares but she isn't plagued with them, she doesn't sleep with a weapon under her pillow, she doesn't hallucinate, she hasn't turned to drugs or alcohol to block out the pain. She isn't broken, not In the way the others are and she cannot be controlled. You want my advice on dealing with her? Don't. Because given the chance she'll kill you" Leaning against the wall I could hear them talking about me, every single word trying to unravel me but they would never be able to. I switched up every chance I got it was how I stayed alive.

A day had passed since we arrive and Finnick had stayed completely out of my way, Haymitch had tried to talk to him but he hadn't wanted to hear it which I guess I understood but he had to accept it wasn't my fault. "Always the optimist Haymitch" Rounding the corner he leant back in his chair and winked at me.

"Didn't want to give this kind people a sense of false hope"

"Well aren't you all lucky I'm feeling in a benevolent mood " Taking my seat next to him Katniss was eyeing me up, the marks on her neck red and raw. He really had a grip on her before I got him off. "You want to know what happened to Peeta? It's classical conditioning I'm surprised Beetee hasn't told you anything about it" Looking at the man who was now in a wheel chair he fumbled with some new gadget.

"I wasn't sure it was that, I suspected you might be able to shed more light on the matter"

"Afraid not, I don't know much except they conditioned him to see Katniss as a threat to democracy and his safety" Looking at the Girl on Fire I did feel some sort of pity towards her, it was clear how much she cared for him and how difficult this all was for her.

"Is there a way to break it?" Plutarch asked

"There's a way to break everything it's just a matter of how much time you have" The look on his face said not a lot. These things weren't easy, we'd been there month and even I didn't know the half of what went on with the others, whilst I'd been paraded around they had been tortured and humiliated. "Keep working with him that's all I can say, maybe his love for you will break him out of it" She looked down at her palms, fiddling with whatever she had. She wanted to say something but didn't want to say it in front of everyone else which is exactly what Plutarch seemed to pick up on aswell.

"Leave us" He said to his people and they all filed out one after the other, leaving only himself, Katniss, Haymitch and myself. "Katniss would you like to say something to Chloe?" For a few seconds she looked between everyone trying to find an escape but whatever it was it needed to be said.

"Does he hate me?" She finally asked.

"Does who hate you?" That was a very broad question considering she was public enemy number one enemy at this very moment in time besides President Snow.

"Cato" I don't think I'd ever asked him about Katniss and he'd never made any motion to talk about it so I felt quite confident in what I was about to tell her.

"No, I don't think so. He doesn't particularly like you but that's to be expected you did technically kill him" Biting the inside of her cheek she couldn't expect any of us to just forget that

"Do you trust him?" Plutarch asked.

"I do but I'm not entirely sure I trust you"

"To be expected" There was no way he didn't know that something was amiss with the final three tributes and I don't believe for one second he didn't at least have a hunch that Cato was alive. The head game makers were trusted members of Snows circle, they knew almost everything. " I wanted to tell you, I did in a way when I sent in that sword for you to find and the ring" Like that was supposed to make everything better.

"You knew the boy was alive?" Haymitch asked and Plutarch nodded. "That's why you left her, isn't it?"

"I knew that he would keep her safe, he loves her anyone can see that

"You were willing to risk her life on that!" Slamming his fists on the table Haymitch was seething

"She was safe"

"How could you be sure of that!" He fired back

"Because he knew what was going to happen" What? All three victors continuously shot glances at each other and Plutarch sighed heavly before crossing his hands in front of him, a stance I knew all too well. "When we were planning the breakout I pulled him aside, said that there may be a slim chance we couldn't get everybody and if you were one of those people then he needed to look after you until the time was right. He knew the plan, he wouldn't have let any harm come to you" He knew! He knew all a long and he never told me. Licking the back of my teeth my breathing was becoming rigid. I felt hurt and betrayed and those were not good feelings to have when you were miles underground. Screeching my chair back

"Oh shit" I heard Haymitch mutter as I stormed from the room and made my way to defence. He was gonna answer every question I had or I was going to make him. In the dstance I could hear Haymitch calling for Finnick who I knew would now be hot on my tracks. Picking up my pace the room wasn't hard to find and neither was he. Turning to face me as the door opened his face suddenly dropped when he saw the expression I held.

"Chloe? Is everything o-" Grabbing the back of his head I slammed it down harshly before pulling him up and slamming him face first into the wall, his arm trapped between his back and my stomach.

"When were you gonna tell em they were planning on leaving me behind huh?"

"What are you-" Twisitng his arm tighter he yelped in pain

"You knew all a long what the fuck was happening and you didn't tell me!"

"I was trying to keep you safe"

"Fat lot of good that did"

"Chloe let him go" Coming into the room Haymitch and Finnick were looking between us both, Finnick for the first time seeing Cato in the flesh as a person and not as a tribute. "He didn't have a choice" How was he defending him right now?

"Everyone has a choice Haymitch!" Pressing him further into the wall he wasn't even trying to fight me

"Miss Monroe let Mr Hadley go" Stepping in front of Haymitch and Finnick Coin came into my vision. "We do not allow violence here" Was she kidding me? Her district was military. Glaring at her I slammed his head one more time into the wall before letting him go and stepping back as he slumped to the floor.

"My apologies"

"President Coin" She said. Was this lady for real? Looking to Haymitch he nodded slightly and I accepted defeat but only for that moment.

"My apologies President Coin, it won't happen again"

"I hope not, we can not allow dissent in our district. Anymore impromptu violence Miss Monroe and you will have to leave. I don't care how vital you are to this, I will not tolerate disrespect" Lowering my head she turned on her heels and left with the people who had followed her here for protection. I think I preferred it in the Capitol, at least Snow never reprimanded me for doing what I know.

"I was just trying to protect you" Cato said rubbing the skin on his wrist where I had twisted it

"I never needed your protection" Swallowing the lump in my throat I went to leave, walking straight through Haymitch and Finnick without looking at either of them. Getting half way down the corridor footsteps echoed off the walls.

"Chloe wait" Oh for fucks sake. "Come with me"

"Where are we going?" I asked him as he pulled me down another corridor.

"Just follow me"

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