Not real

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If there was one thing that was true it was that champions weren't born, we were made. Forged when they thought they had left us for dead when they let our bodies fall to the ground when they thought we were broken beyond repair. That is when we were made and every second after that we would forever spend fighting to stay alive no matter the cost to everyone else.

Circling the porridge in the bowl I had always hated oats, it just reminded me of when I had no money when I was just like everyone else but of course, I wasn't like everyone else. I had done the impossible, I had survived in a world that wanted me dead, I'd killed to survive and I could easily do it again. Flicking my eyes upwards everyone was sitting on their tables, talking about the same shit that had been going on day in day out. None of it was interesting, if anything it was just irritating. "Monroe, you good?" Gale asked as he watched me play with my food. Dropping the spoon i nodded slightly before pushing the bowl away.

"How much longer do we have to stay down here? When can we get out?"

"They're working on our next mission"

"I'm going to go crazy if I'm stuck down here any longer" Hearing a snort next to me all eyes turned to the guy sat on the table behind us. "Is something funny?" Eyes widening he shook his head.

"No ma'am" Standing up his entire table went quiet, eyes flitting between me and their friend.

"No, please enlighten us. I'm sure we'd all love to hear what's so funny" Staying silent i scoffed. "That's what I thought" Turning away the guy made the mistake of muttering under his breath but not quiet enough for me not to hear the insult. Grabbing at the back of his shirt I yanked him up before shoving him to the ground.

"Chloe!" Grabbing at my arm Gale made an attempt to stop me but I was quicker than he ever could be. Blocking his attempt I stepped closer to the guy on the floor as he tried his best to shuffle backwards out of my reach.

"I'm crazy, huh? Do you want to see crazy? I can show you fucking crazy!" By this point, a crowd had gathered but no one made any attempt to step in to save their fellow 13 citizen. Maybe this guy had caused problems before for others because they sure didn't seem to be phased by my actions. "Do you have any idea what I've done to people far tougher than you? You are nothing, you are just a speck of dust on my boot" Looking him up and down he shrunk back into himself, a weak pitiful shell of what he was pretending to be earlier.

"Miss Monroe! Stand down!" Coming into the canteen Coin was stood side by side with Plutarch and the others, most of their names escaped me in this moment. "That's an order" Scoffing it was almost unbelievable just how many orders I was being given lately. Taking a few steps back from the table the man gulped before leaving the room and everyone returned to eating their sludge. "Follow me, both of you" Falling side by side with Gail we were taken to the briefing room where the others sat looking distressed. "We lost battalion 4, they knew where we were going"

"How?" Gail questioned looking at the footage on the screens

"We're not sure but they were ready for us before we even got there. They were wiped out almost immediately" Plutarch sighed heavily as he leaned back into his chair.

"We need to move the weddings forward, give the districts some morale, something to support" Head snapping up how was that the correct response.? Scoffing at it all eyes turned to me. "I assume you have something to say, Miss Monroe?"

"Yeah I have something to say. We're just props to you, aren't we? We're just stories, we're not real. You watch us fight, win , lose, tell me something Madam President. Did you even shed a tear as your men were murdered? Or did you just sit back and watch it happen on the screen like you always have done!"

"Chloe!" Haymitch warned but I ignored it.

"No! I am done standing on the sidelines until you need me, I'm done letting other people fight whilst I do nothing, whilst WE do nothing! I didn't win my games by doing nothing, I went out and took what I wanted no matter the cost and you can be damn sure I am going to do just that right now"

"You will do as I command!"  Coin shouted standing to meet my level

"You command nothing!" Slamming my hands down on the table. "If you'd been capable in the first place none of this would have happened, none of your people would be dead!

"It's a war, dieing is what people do"

"No, what people do is survive. Look around you, we're all survivors but you, you're just a leach" The entire room was silent as eyes flicked between us both, unsure of what was going to happen next, like there could be any other outcome than the one that I wanted

"You think that you can do a better job than me?" She asked.

"I know I can" Rising up from her chair she stood in front of me, her head barely coming to my chin but yet she still tried to intimidate me.

"Okay, then it's settled. You will lead the next mission" Walking towards the door she was halfway out before she turned back, a wicked smile plastered across her face. "I hope you're ready, Chloe. It's to the Capitol" Leaving the room she thought she had won but in reality, I had just been given everything that I wanted.

"Are you out of your god damn mind!"

"Bold of you to assume I was ever in it" Slamming his head into his hands Haymitch moaned loudly "She's going to kill me one day" Ignoring him I turned to Gale as I knew the troops would listen t him without vocally questioning it.

"Gear everyone up, we leave at dawn" Nodding his head he walked from the room and left the rest of us.

"You've gone insane" Finn was the first to break the silence.

"Someone has to do something and if it has to be then so be it"

"You're going to get everyone killed"

"Look around you, we're already dead if we stay cooped up in here. I didn't come this far to only come this far"

"She's right" Katniss spoke. "If we're going to win this we need tot ake the Capitol and in all honesty, she's the best one to lead us" Turning to face me she held out her hand for mine, taking it we held onto each other tightly. "I'll follow you, just give the orders"

"I'll follow you too" Peeta said looking up from his seat. "You looked out for me in the Capitol, and in the games, I know that much. I want to try and repay that" Smiling at him he was trying so hard to retrain his mind to not tear Katniss apart and I admired his strength.

"We're with you Monroe" Turning to Boggs he and the others agreed

"I guess that's settled then" Cato said. "We're going"


"Excuse me?"

"You're not going, you're staying here with the others"

"Like hell I am!" He argued the rage creeping onto his face. "I'm not letting you go alone"

"She won't be alone," Finnick said.

"Well I'm sure as hell not going to stay here whilst you go with her"

"What's your problem, Hadley? Huh? Scared she might actually choose me over you?" Within seconds Cato and Finn were face to face, their height perfectly matched but they couldn't have been more different.

"Say that again" Cato growled

" With pleasure"

"Enough!" Haymitch yelled. "You're both going if just to keep her safe"

"Haymitch it's my decision, he's not going"

" Like hell it is, you are my daughter and I will do everything in my power to keep you safe whether you like it or not. Now we are going to put the toxic masculinity aside and forge a plan because I am not letting you all walk in there blind. Am I understood" Still in shock by him calling me his daughter in front of everyone I didn't speak for a few seconds but when he shouted the question a little bit louder I could do nothing but nod my head in agreement

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now