Would've, should've could've

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Leaving my room to clear my head my mind was racing with repeats of what had just happened, what I had just committed myself to but the sound of muffled voices caught my attention and gave me something new to focus on. Putting my ear up against the door I started to piece together what was happening.

"I offered my support to her at your request Plutarch but she is clearly unhinged" Leaning closer to the door, Coins voice was barely above a whisper but the harshness made very word stand out.

"And yet you put her charge of the mission to the Capitol" He countered

"She questioned my authority!"

"For good reason" Haymitch spoke up. Were all of them there? "You have no experience in fighting a war Madam Coin, Chloe does"

"The games were hardly a war Mr Abernathy"

"You know nothing of what it is to be in those games, how it feels to take a life like that. You fight a war with your own mind every god damn second you are in that arena!"

"Chloe wasn't a victor by chance Madam Coin, she's a master of strategy. Not even the Mockingjay can do what she does"

"And yet we know nothing of it, what exactly are her plans Mr Heavensbee? What is it that President Snow was so desperate to get her alone for?" That was enough. Pushing the door open all of their eyes turned to me, mouths slightly parting.

"Whatever it is you're about to accuse me of, I suggest you tread carefully" 

"I don't trust you Miss mONROE, I don't trust your ethics, I don't trust your beliefs. How many people have you betrayed to get where you are?"

"Like Plutarch said, I wasn't a victor by chance" If I had been I would have faded from memory the second my game was over, they only ever cherished the special ones. The ones who had done things different to the rest were the ones who made history. "Name 5 other victors other than the ones who went into the Quarter Quell and Haymitch"

"What?" She asked like she hadn't understood what I was asking of her.

"Name 5 other Victors except the ones that went into the Quarter Quell" Opening and closing her mouth like a guppy she was lost.


"You can't, can you?"

"We don't watch the games down here" she tried to counter 

"They don't but you do, don't you? Its how you knew who we all were. You've been watching us all this time and yet you can't name 5 other victors" Moving to the computers I typed in a name and an image popped up. "This is Porter Tripp, she won the 38th Hunger Games. On her last day in the arena she suffered a spine injury that saw her in a brace for the rest of her life" Pulling up a second image Haymitch had moved to sit down. "This is Abigail Jackson, she won the 57th Hunger Games. She hid her entire games" Pulling up another picture it was a winner that came.  after me. "Ladell Preston, killed the last tribute with a brick. Won the 73rd Hunger Games"

"What's your point?" Coin asked, she too had sat down.

"My point is that you have no idea who these individuals are, they won but they didn't do anything memorable.Nobody cares who are you, they only care about what you did. You have the best Victors right here, no one else matters except us and you can call me vain and pretentious, you can call me whatever you want but you can never say that I don't know how to get the job done" The whole room remained silent as I dared them to challenge me on what I had just said but they couldn't. It was all the truth and they knew that.

"You think you know everything Miss Monroe but you don't, you're still a child with a Childs mindset. You don't know how the world works"

"What would you know of the world! You, who hides away underground whilst the rest of us suffer for something we didn't do, whilst we pay for our ancestors wanting change"

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now