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Nothing, that was what I had experienced since my broadcast. Everyone had stayed out of my way and I hadn't been called to Snow's office which I took as a good thing. Probably bought myself a few extra days of being able to see the moon. Speaking of the moon, the light was more beautiful than I had seen in a long time and it reminded of me of home, the light reflecting off the glass mirroring that of the sea. I genuinely feared that I would never see it again.

"Chloe?" Coming up next to me Cato had spent the last few days avoiding me as well, my guess being that he heard exactly what I had said to Johanna and what she had said to me in return. I can't imagine it had been easy to hear

"We're all going to die before this war ends" I'd seen the future clear as day on everyone's face, there was no way out for the majority of us, especially if the world viewed you as a weapon.

"I'm not going to let you die" I see he was still making promises he couldn't keep. Swallowing the lump in my throat i figured that he was here for a reason considering everyone had been ignoring my existence for the last few days. " You need to come with me" Giving me my orders the skin on my lip that had been bitten and healed was once again bleeding, just another reminder that life was not what it was supposed to be. Following him from the room he was leading me towards the tribute centre where the others were being held, why was he taking me here?

"Where are we going?" I asked trying my hardest to keep up with him but still being hesitant with it all. Reaching forward i grabbed his arm and pulled him back to face me. His face was taught and concerned. "What's going on?" Looking around he pulled out a gun from his back pocket.

"Take this" Shoving it in my hand I was even more confused, why would i be needing a gun? "Notice anything strange?" He asked. Looking around it suddenly hit me, there was no lights, no noise, no anything. "Hope you aren't rusty" Walking away again I didn't hesitate in following him, clearly there was something deeper happening and I was desperate to know what it was. Following him into the tribute centre there were no peace keepers or anyone for that matter and it occurred to me that the last time I had been on this level of the tribute centre was when i was myself a tribute for the second time.

"Cato what's going on?" Shushing me he continued to lead me towards where the others were being kept which just added towards the increasing levels of confusion. Bringing me to a door that was partially open the light was on and I could hear muffled voices but they weren't from the peace keepers. Looking through the crack my heart began to race as I saw Gale stood there with some others. Taking a step forward Cato's arm shot out to stop me from progressing but i pulled away.

"It's okay" Reassuring him he sighed and pushed the door slightly open for me to walk in. "Gale?" Within seconds all guns were pointed at me but i felt no fear.

"Chloe?" Narrowing his eyes he seemed unsure but soon dropped the mask and ran towards me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and holding me tightly. "Why are you here? We were told you were in Snow's house?" Who had told them? Why were they here?

"I bought her" Stepping out from behind the door Gale instinctively shoved me behind him as the others fumbled to put there guns back up as the shock consumed them

"You died?" One of them stuttered

"Evidently not" Answering with a smirk this was not the time for being an ass hat. "I know you are all probably dying to know what happened however we got company" Just as he said that the other side of the room became crowded with peace keepers and shots went flying. Ducking under the table i made my way to the ones at the slide. Grabbing a scalpel off the edge of the table i sliced through the tendon in the back of ones knee and as he dropped snapped his neck. Raising my gun two more fell to their knees, bullet holes in between their eyes. "Chloe!" Shouting my name Cato had one in his grasp, the mans neck in his arms. Using the table to launch myself my knee came down onto his stomach and his neck was snapped as well. After a few more seconds the shooting stopped and the only ones standing were the ones who shouldn't be here.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked

"We came to rescue you, though by the looks of to we might need you to rescue us" The tall one laughed nervously. Looking at his outfit it became apparent who these people were.

"You might be military but I'm a victor"

"And a crazy one at that" Another muttered but I didn't pay any attention to it they could all think what they want about me but I hadn't just broken into a Capitol building

"Where are the others?" Gale asked. They really were serious about this. Pointing through the lot of doors that the peace keepers had come from they all gave each other a look before pressing on, all except Gale who was now glaring at Cato. "Are you with us?" Looking at Cato myself even I didn't know what he was going to say but as his gaze met mine it was clear.

"I'm with her" Nodding at his response it was something Gale could understand, he wasn't doing this to save himself he was doing it to save the person he loved. Following them through more halls the others were being kept at the very end.

"Johanna and Peeta are in there" Pointing to the two cells the others moved towards them. "Be careful" The two people in those cells were not who they once were.

"Where's Annie?" The tall one once again asked.

"I'll get her" She'd panic if it was someone she didn't know.

"No Finnick asked me to ensure she gets out" He asked for her specifically? Biting back the surging anger i forced a smile.

"It has to be me. I promised her it I'd get her out of her" Whoever this man was he seemed to know that I would not be backing down from this and relented begrudgingly. Opening the door to the cell Annie was cowering in the corner until she saw that it was me and Cato. "Annie you need to get up" Holding out my hand she took it shakenly.

"What's going on?"

"We're getting out of here just like I promised but we need to go quickly" I could have sworn her eyes brightened before they were replaced with fear and she was trembling to the point she probably wouldn't be able to walk. "Annie listen to me! It's going to be okay, we're gonna go home and you're gonna see Finnick and Mags, we're going to be okay" I had no idea if this was all true but I had to believe it because the alternative didn't bare thinking about. Nodding her head I passed her over to Cato who was all but carrying her. Leaving the cell she would never end up back in there, I'd kill her before I ever let them touch her again. Standing in the hall the others had Johanna and Peeta but they were barely conscious and not with it at all.

"Lets move out" Giving his orders we all followed Gale back the way we came and were nearly out of the Tribute centre when a voice stopped us in our tracks.

"Did you really think that would work?" Facing the doctor who had been practising on the others he only had one peace keeper and one Avox by his side, this was a trap. "You're a traitor and you'll die for it" Spitting at Cato he didn't flinch as he held Annie tightly who was once again shaking. "Your love for a girl who could never love you back is sickening. She'll betray you in the end, she'll betray you all. It's a part of who-" Shooting him in the stomach the peacekeeper moved to shoot me but the bullet had already fired, implanting itself in the Avox who had been pulled in front of him. Watching another innocent loose their life I didn't waste any time in getting revenger for it. Pulling the scalpel from my back pocket it launched itself through the air and implanted itself in the peace keepers neck. Walking forward he was bleeding out but the Doctor was still fighting for his life. Kneeling down next to him i stuck my finger into his bullet wound and he screamed out in agony

"What a shame. Of all the things you could have chosen t do today and you decided to die" Stepping on his neck i applied more pressure until the veins in his eyes burst and his lungs collapsed leaving him dead and unable to hurt another person ever again. Looking back to the group they were all filled with fear but trying to pass it off as something else but I saw right through it. "What? You all know who I am, you know what I've done now can we please get out of this hell hole?" Scrambling to get themselves together we were lead to a part of the building they had entered. One by one we were attached t the cables and lifted up into a hellicarrier and when i got in I slumped down the side unable to believe that I was free. But that was the thing, we weren't free and this was far from over

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now