Just hold on

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If there is one thing that I had learnt from my time in the arena it is that the world carries on turning no matter what, no matter how much pain your feeling the sun will rise in the morning and set at night. There is no way to stop it, you just have to prepare for what is coming and hope it doesn't finish you off.

Sitting at the all so familiar dressing table Persephone pulled at my hair braiding green dye into my hair whilst Katerina plastered whatever makeup she decided needed to be on my face. Neither of them manages to hide the pain they were feeling.
" it's going to be okay" I ensured to them both. Looking at me deeply they finally let the tears fall especially Katerina who was the first prep who I had met. Wiping the tears from her face I took each of their hands
" I love you both so much and no matter what happens life will go on and if I don't make it out I want you to promise me that you will treat the next female tribute like she is me. Promise?" With sobs still loud and clear they nodded their heads pulling me into a hug. Pulling back a few moments later it was time to go for the parade
"Were betting on you " Katerina shouted as I stepped out the door not bringing myself to look back because if I did it meant that I was most certainly not going to be returning and I couldn't let them know that. Walking towards the part that held each carriage with two horse leading at the front. 12 was painted coal black which was a contrast against the lightly coloured, gleaming carriages of the other districts.

" Have you got any secrets worth knowing Girl on Fire" Finnciks wipers travelled towards me. Seeing him talking to Katniss I shook my head before walking over to him

" Take no notice of him, I don't" shoving Finnick out of the way he just smirked before leaving for our carriage
" so that's the legendary Finnick Odair?" 

"Legendary Asshole is more like it" letting out a small laugh she smiled " I like the dress..veryyyy defiant"
" Are you just allying with us because Haymitch wants you to or because you want to?" She asked. The honest answer was that I didn't know why I was actually doing it. I guess it was because the world needed her and if I could get her out then I would have achieved something else.
" I'm doing it because I know what it's like for the system to want you dead. They want us both dead but I'm not willing to let that happen if I can do something to change it. The victors need you just as much as the districts do Girl on Fire. And when we get out there, be fearless" Before she could reply I had left to go find my own cart with that idiot. Reaching it the poor horses had been dyed a sea foam colour. Not even the animals were safe from the Captitols crazy antics
" Sugar cube?" Holding out his hand Finnick was offering me his favourite snack
" They're for the horse" I told him earning a shrug in response before popping another into his mouth.
" Come on let's get in" He said pulling me into the carriage " You look beautiful in that dress" He whispered. This dress was so different from anything anyone else had ever worn from our district. For a starters I didn't have a fish on my head.
" Thanks" I said quitly not looking at him as the carriages began to roll forwards. Gripping the edge the face that fooled many had to return. Stone cold eyes with a calculating smirk. Noise. That's all there was. Screams and cheers from every citizen of the capitol who could afford to be here. Their life was given to them through luck. They could have easily been born into one of the districts but they didn't see it that way. They were privileged and we were their trophies. Looking up to the screens as they focused on us we were beautiful , powerful and strong but there was something else. 12 were on fire. Literally. Smiling wider Cinna continued to amaze me. As we went around in a circle being paraded around like a bunch of cattle which technically only made sense for District 10 since they were dressed as cows we were all incredibly tense. Even if you tried t hide it you couldn't hide it from people who had been through the same thing as you. Eventually rolling back nto the training centre large breaths broke out as everyone relaxed. Helping me from the carriage Finnick kept a tight grasp on my arm as I took of the ridiculous heals that I hated so much.
" I'm going to see Haymitch are you coming?" I asked him
" You go. I'll catch up" He said but I didn't believe him. Walking over to Haymitch he was talking to Chaff who wrapped me in a hug as soon as he saw me and as soon as he let go seeder had also wrapped her arms around me.
" I never though i'd see you and Finn friendly again" She joked giving a the eye
"We're not. We're just...here" Giving me the ook that said she didn't believe me Katniss and Peeta had joined us
" The families?" Katniss asked out of nowhere.
" They're alive" Seeder told her causing us all to feel a sense of relief. Looking over my shoulder for Finnick I found him talking to Jonanna.
" Excuse me" I said to the group I was stood with to go talk to my other favourite victor
" She's just so pure" Joanna laughed with a quick glance over to Katniss.
" Whatever your thinking be nice" I laughed as she pulled a face at me. Everything we thought about Katniss was spurred on by what we had to watch last year. She had refused to see Peeta naked and he was half dead anyway but everyone would still use it to their advantage. Being pure in a capitol that revelled in being tainted was either incredibly smart or incredibly stupid.
" I'm always nice"
" And I'm an angel "Giving me a deadly smile she sauntered off probably to cause Katniss some more pain. Looking down my eyes caught a small glimpse of the jagged scar running across my left wrist. Covering it up quickly so Finnick couldn't see it we started to walk back to the lift which would take us to our floor.

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now