Let her burn

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"You did what!" Screaming at me the metal pan came flying past my head before smashing into the wall and crashing to the floor.

"You're being dramatic"

"I'm the one being dramatic? You just set up a wedding to spite someone" She had a point

"All things considered it's probably one of the least problematic things that I've done"

"It's worrying that that's true" Leaning against the door Haymitch had said very little about the whole matter, after all this time he had learnt that it was always better to let me act and then pay the price later.

"How could you let her do this!" Turning her attention to Haymitch, Johanna was raging more than I had ever seen her. Mouth falling open slightly he wasn't used to getting the blame for my actions, it was almost comical.

"I'm sorry what would you have liked me to do? She didn't exactly give any forewarning to her plan!" I'd grown used to people talking about me like I wasn't stood directly next to them, it came with the territory. In all honesty it really wasn't that much of a big deal. The original plan was for me to always marry him, I was just fulfilling that promise. There were worse things that could have been done. "She's a grown women, she can make her own choices"

"Clearly not" 

"It's done now. We're getting married. Love stories are driving this rebellion. Let's give them one more to talk about and get behind"

"So you're saying all this is political?" Johanna asked to which I nodded hesitantly. I guessed some parts of ti were. I knew what this would mean but there was a small part of me that wanted to save him, to keep him safe. I'd failed him once before I wasn't going to let it happen again. "You promised me Chloe" Reminding me of that promise I made back in that cell I had spoken to him, it had achieved nothing, altered nothing. 

"I did what you asked Johanna. This is my decision and its final"

"And what about what Cato wants?" Well, that was never a question I thought she would ask. She couldn't stand him for the most part. She thought what most people thought, that he was nothing more than an unforgiving brutal murderer. I'd been one of the few who could actually look past the mask and see who he truly was underneath the facade. "You're not just making a decision for the rest of your life Chloe. It's his too! Or did you not think about that in your pursuit for revenge.?" In truth I hadn't thought about it. he'd been okay with marrying me back in the Capitol it had never occurred to me that things might have changed.

"He loves her, Jo. He'll do whatever she wants, regardless of why"

"Which is exactly my point! You're not giving him a choice, not really. He wont say no to you even if you asked him to stab himself in the heart. He'd do it"

"You're making it sound like I don't care about him"

"Do you?" Lips tightening she had no right to ever ask me that. After everything I'd done to keep him safe and she had the nerve to ask me if I cared about him. " What have you ever done for him? He took you to see us and helped us, despite the risk to his life because you asked him to. He lied to Snow to keep you safe. He broke you out, helped break us all out and what have you done? You've lied and manipulated. Put him in danger time and time again and for what? What has it achieved?"

"Johanna" Haymitch warned but she waved him off.

"I love you, you know that but I refuse to sit back and watch you destroy another persons life."

"That's not fair" Everything I had ever done was to save other people, too many times I had lost  a piece of myself for someone else. Even now I was saving them all at my expense. This was no longer the Hunger Games. It wasn't everyone for themselves, I knew that now but that facade would always remain.

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