Death sentence

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They told me that all the bad things that had happened to me were setting me up for greatness but I can't believe that. They wanted us the gone, the ones that still had a fire raging in them, the ones hadn't been completely destroyed.

I never saw myself as a threat until I had no choice, I wasn't born a killer but I became one. Each kill had taken me a step further away from the person that I wanted to be and I was going to add to that. Puling myself from the only comfort I had my reaping outfit was handing delicately from the door frame, the sea green dress swaying slightly. I wouldn't let them know the pain I was feeling, a smirk would plastered on my face for the whole world to see. They wouldn't see me cracking. They would see the monster they had created. Pulling the dress on it felt so wrong compared to the jeans, top and jacket I usually adorned my body with. Hearing a sharp tap on the door I knew who it was. Opening it 3 peacekeepers stood there with rifles in hand

" Time to go" One said simply pulling me out of the door roughly. Hissing at them they seemed unphased as the peacekeepers that were sent to get the others pushed them onto our street. Mags was smiling wide and I couldn't help but admire everything about her. Even though she wasn't going in if I could help it she wouldn't let the capitol know they were hurting her though that wasn't the case for Annie, she was trembling with fear and looked like she was on the verge of another breakdown. Finnick however wore a smirk, arrogance never suited him but I guess it was the only front he could find, it was a shame that it was the only thing we now had in common. As we were marched through the streets towards the crowd gathered in the square people looked at us with sadness and many raised their fingers into the air copying Katniss's tribute in the arena to Rue. Letting the smirk falter for a second I wanted to run away and hide from their eyes which held so much pain but I had to do this. The people who should have been possiable tributes were sectioned of by age as per usual with a section at the front for us. Walking slowly towards the section more and more raised their tribute to us into the air. We were their hero's and we were being taken away. Suddenly a cough came from the stage and our escort stood there with tears threatening to spill from her purple eyes. TigerLilly and never been anything but sweet and tame. She wasn't like the others, she actually cared .

" Welcome to the the 3rd Quarter Quell" Her voice trembled but she recovered well. Looking to me I nodded signalling that she must carry on

" This year is a very special year, our tributes will be reaped from the remaining pool of victors. How exciting! As always ladies first" Walking slowly over to the bowl containing 3 names she wafted her  hand around before catching a slip in her perfectly manicured fingers. Pulling the card apart to reveal which one of us was being sentenced to death everyone waited in bated breath. A small gasp escaped her lips as she read out the name

"Annie Cresta" Annie began to scream but I pushed her behind me.

" I volunteer " I shouted. My heart was pounding a mile a minute and mags grabbed at my arm

" I spoke to him, you promised" Her face filled with sadness as she finally let go of my arm and I let the peace keepers drag me towards he stage

" I believe me have a volunteer. Ladies and Gentleman your female tribute Chloe Monroe" Tears were slipping down the faces of people who had been my friends..kind of. Pain was ripping at my heart as I saw her walk back to the bowls. Back to hand Finnick the same sentence we were all facing. Clenching my fist blood was pooling in my hand from my nails tearing at my flesh

" Finnick Odair" Still smirking he walked to the stage as Annies screams grew louder.

" Well there we have it. Your 75th Hunger Games tributes" Small claps broke out but they only came from the people who didn't give a damn, the rest honoured us by remaining silant. Those were the people who knew we weren't coming back. Turning to Finnick his smirk drifited away and I saw the true extent of the pain he was feeling

"May the odds be ever in our favour right?" Saying it loud enough for the cameras to pick up I pushed past him I wanted to get off that stage as quickly as possible as tears strated to form. Reaching the justice building my fist connected with the wall as I let out the most devastating scream I had ever produced in my life. Smashing everything that was in my path Peace keeprs ran to restrain me but my fists soon connected with them

" Chloe!" TigerLilly cried/shrieked at my melt down but it didn't stop me from lashing out left right and centre. Suddenly a body collided with me taking me crashing to the floor.

"Son of a bitch!" I screamed trying to get the person off of me. A flash of blonde hair caught my eye and I knew it was Finn who had floored me. Pulling me up roughly I went wild in his arms desperate for him to let go as he dragged me towards the train and threw me into the seats in the oh so familiar lounge. Trying to get up he shoved me back down and I knew not to fight him on this. With tears streaming down their faces, Tiger, Annie and Mags entered and took their seats.

" We need to discuss strategy" Tiger said. Is she fucking kidding me? Looking over at Finn he opened his mouth to give an answer.

" Ill just do what I did last time, it worked then it'll work again" Was he stupid? Standing up all eyes went wide in fear of what I was going to do.

" Fuck this" I spat

" You can't just walk away from this" Finnick had risen as well and the room filled with tension

" You don't get it do you? Were not coming back Finnick. If were lucky we'll be the first to fall"

" You don't know that!" Who was he trying to kid, he knew as well as I did that there was not a single chance in hell of us making it out of this again.

" Yes! I do! I was named the most dangerous victor to ever live. Do you honestly thing they are not going to make sure I die? And you! Your he capitols prostitute who said no you signed your death certificate the moment you defied them so if you want to sit here and pretend that one of us is coming home then go ahead but don't expect me to play a long" Storming from the room I could hear Annie's faint sobs but I didn't care, there was just one thing that I needed right now and that was to be alone, away from my impending fate. Tearing away the dress the draws were full of jeans and sea coloured tops to represent my district can't say they didn't have a sense of humour. Hearing a soft knock on the door I got up to answer it since only one of the girls would knock that softly
"What do you want ?" I asked with no emotion
"To tell you the truth" raising an eyebrow at the capitol puppet I let her into my room weary of what she had to say. Closing the door I leant up against it with arms folded and raised eyebrows
"What's the truth then Tiger?" Taking a few moments to compose herself I knew she didn't trust me to not explode and was staring intently at my hands to make sure they were concealing no objects that could be thrown in her direction
" The voting was rigged the year you won" Now she had my full intention
"That's not possible" staring at her hands they were shaking lightly
" The bowls only contained yours and your brothers name" her words made my stomach drop and I felt sick.
"Why? WHY! I know you know" she couldn't bring herself to look at me and I wondered why she was even telling me at all, they could kill her for this.
"Finnick" she said simply. Why would my games be rigged because of him? We weren't friends when I went in
" I don't understand "
"When he told Snow he wouldn't sleep with anyone he killed his family, threatened everyone he knew and they knew about you. He thought that if he distanced himself from you and agreed to their demands then you would be safe but no ones ever really safe " part of me didn't believe her but the other part did. I was punished for being friends with a victor.
"Why my brother?"
"So even if you did come out you would be a shell of who you had previously been, they wanted to destroy Finnick and they did. He cried every day that you were in there, Haymitch thought he might kill himself if you didn't come out so he ensured you did. But when you did come out no one could have imagined how you would actually have been. It was like you didn't care, your act was so magnificent that everyone truly believed that you just didn't give a damn what had happened. To them you beat the game, just like Haymitch and Katniss did and that was unforgivable" None of this should have happened. I was just as much to blame as Katniss was, as Haymitch was and even Finnick. None of us were innocent in this the only difference was that they had all done it for the people they loved and I had done it for myself.

" Then I guess i'll just have to be worse this time"

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now