Unwritten confessions

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Landing in District 13 I had never even imagined that this place still existed, when they had told us that it had been obliterated we had believed them because why would they lie? But being military I guess we should have known that they would not completely disappear from the earth.

"Welcome to 13"

"Welcome to prison is more like it" I muttered under my breath low enough so no one else would hear it and I guess that nothing could ever be worse than what we had just been subjected to. Following the men into a passage in the ground my natural instinct was to stick firmly by Cato's side with Gale in view at all times. "Why am I not going with the others?" I asked as Peeta, Johanna and Annie were taken to a separate entrance.

"You are" Stopping as we came in to an empty room the door behind us locked and some more men dressed in military uniforms marched in. "But he's not".


"I'm sorry Chloe but President Coin doesn't trust him" Eyeing up Cato I knew images of him and the career pack hunting Katniss was filling his brain but that was a time gone by and nothing could ever change the past.

"Trust him! He just helped save your lives and ours! Without him I wouldn't be here and you would probably be dead"

"She wants to speak to him and vet him before he's allowed to mix with the people" This was ridiculous. Scoffing my hand went through my hair. "Chloe everyone thinks he's dead. Do you not think it would be a little strange if he just turned up? How do you think Katniss would react? She thinks she killed him" Maybe he had a point but I still didn't like the idea of us being separated where I couldn't see what was being done or said to him.

"It's okay, I'll go"


"I can't go back they'll kill me, if talking to this President Coin means I can stay here with you, then I'll do whatever I have to" Chewing the inside of my cheek I didn't like this but I wasn't idiotic to believe that this could go any other way than what it was doing.

"Okay" What's the point in fighting something that could never be beaten. Wrapping his arms around me he kissed me gently on the forehead before pulling away and following the other men through the door.

"What happens if she doesn't want him here?"

"You better hope she does" Standing by my side Gale cupped my elbow and lead me back through the way we came until we came into a medical room where mounds of doctors were setting up stations for the others. Motioning his head towards an empty bed I guess that was mine.

"This isn't necessary I'm fine. I'd rather you spend more time with the others"

"President Coin insists all rescues are checked" The doctor told me as nurses surrounded me and were tyrin to stick various needles into my arms. This was stupid, I was perfectly healthy whilst the others had been stripped of everything that made them who they were, they'd lacked nutrition and sunlight. Right now I was not important but they were having none of it. Hissing as one stuck it in the wrong place their eyes widened before once again proceeding but this time with extreme caution. Listening to Johanna scream and curse at the nurses that were trying to see to her they should have known she wouldn't agree to this willingly, in fact hearing her rant almost made everything feel slightly normal again. Leaning back the slight moment of peace I had was once again broken but this time it was by Annie.

"Finnick!" Hearing her shrill voice call out his name my entire body went rigid as my head whipped to the side to see them both flying into each other's arms and gripping onto each other like they were the only people in the world. Lump rising in my throat I fought to keep it down. Looking over at Johanna she had stopped resisting, her lips tight and her eyes giving away everything she was feeling.

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now