Angels like you

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Arriving back at 13 it was chaos, the entire of Panem had just seen Katniss get shot on tv, no one knew if she was dead or alive but they would soon. It was hardly a life threatening wound. Taking the long way to the command office with Finnick by my side I should have known what was going on before I got there.

"That girl is a menace to my health! My heart can't take it anymore, with either of them for that matter" Watching as Haymitch paced back and forth it was almost comical and you couldn't help but lean against the door frame and smirk.

"Don't you ever get sick of hearing your own voice?" Swirling around on the spot the anger quickly faded as he strode forwards and pulled me into a hug, one of his hands cupping the back of my head like a child.

"One day you are honestly going to kill me!"

"I know but what are kids for right?" Pulling back both of his hands cupped the sides of my face before he kissed my forehead and then turned to Finnick.

"Thank you, for keeping her safe" He said to which Finnick shook his head as he looked down at me.

"She kept herself safe, just like she always has" Credit where credit was due. Glancing over his shoulder Cato had seemingly emerged out of nowhere and was scanning every inch of my body making sure there was no injuries.

"I'm so sorry" I didn't need to say what for it was obvious. Two was his home and we'd just blown it to smithereens. How many had we killed? We're we really any better than the Capitol right now? We'd just killed people to show that killing people is wrong. What kind of message would that really show except that we were just as crazy as they were.

"You're okay?" He asked.

"I am"

"Then that's all that matters" It was hurting him, I knew that but he wouldn't let it show. His family were still int two, that's if they were still alive anyway. God knows what Snow had done when they realised he was gone, I didn't want to know.

"Congratulations Miss Monroe" Turning around President Coin was leaning against one of the desks, how had I not noticed she was in here before. "You turned them on the peace keepers, probably killed all of them"

"I did what I had to do"

" Oh I don't doubt it. Anyway, you've become somewhat of a legend around here now. Funny how the tides can turn on someone so quickly don't you think?" What the fuck was she getting at? I didn't care what people thought about me I never had. She could stick her poxy district up her arse. All the other 12 had had to sacrifice their children year after year whilst they had coward in silence. Staying hidden and never having to face the hardships that we did. Those here now had no idea what it meant to fight for your survival, they had never seen their children butcher and be butchered on tv. They would never actually understand what all the victors here were actually fighting for. 

"I don't care what your people think of me"

"No, of course not. Anyhow, we have much to celebrate and plan these next few days so you will get a rest"

"What are we celebrating? We just murdered innocent people, this wasn't a victory"

"We would never celebrate the death of citizens, Miss Monroe. No we have a wedding to plan" A wedding? Looking at Haymitch he didn't meet my eye and neither did Finnick, only Cato was the only one looking just as perplexed as I was

"Whose wedding?"

"Mr Odair and Miss Cresta's of course" If I'd been eating I would have choked. Had I heard her right? Where the hell had that come from? Looking at Finnick he tried to speak but no words came out and it felt like my heart had just been ripped out of my chest. "Oh you didn't know? I'm sorry to be the one to break the news I assumed they had told you" Og course she was sorry. I could tell that from that damned smirk plastered on her face. She had known that I didn't know and was now revelling in the chaos it was about to cause.

"Yeah, you would assume that my best friend would have told me he was marrying the girl who tried to murder me two days ago! But apparently not!"

"I wanted to tell you" Finnick argued.

"She tried to kill me Finn, because of you" Accusing him Haymitch moved to my side, his hand on my arm probably to stop me from lunging.

"She wasn't in the right frame of mind" Oh because that made the bombshell better.

"You know what, that's your life sentence. Good luck"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shrugging he knew exactly what you were getting at he was just playing dumb

"Nothing, just your saviour complex is showing that's all" 

"My what?"

"Your need to fix people who can't be fixed. You've always been that way. She's a project to you that you just can't finish, you hate yourself for it. You hate yourself that you couldn't fix me either" The difference was that I didn't need to be fixed. I wasn't scared of everything, I didn't live in my past. I took each day as it was and just hoped I'd make it to the other side. That was the difference between me and Annie. I could survive in this world by myself, she couldn't and the attention needed was something Finnick craved. He always had.

"You're angry and upset. I get it!"

"No, I'm not? I was supposed to marry him, remember?" Pointing at Cato his eyebrows were raised, clearly both intrigued and confused about where this conversation was heading. "Actually that's just given me a great idea"

"Chloe" Haymitch warned knowing exactly where I was going but it was too late. The idea was in my head and I was going to see it out.

"Why don't we have a double wedding?" Groaning loudly behind me Haymitch smashed his face into his hand.

"What!" Finnick nearly shouted, his face seething with clear cut rage.

"That is a brilliant idea, Miss Monroe. Perfect if I do say so myself" Smiling to myself I'd just set in motion absolute chaos and I had never felt better. Chaos is what I thrived in, this situation would work in my favour it always did. "Of course we'll have to start planning straight away if there is now going to be four of you, we will respect each of your districts traditions" Glancing up at Cato I blocked out everything Coin was saying and just focused on his facial expressions which were incredibly difficult to read.

"This is ridiculous. She is clearly doing this to spite me" Finnick argued again.

"And why would I want to spite you?" Questioning he couldn't answer, not without revealing that Annie wasn't the only one he loved. "You accept my choices and I'll accept yous. Deal?" Glaring at you intensely his tongue licked the cracked bottom lip before he stormed away.

"You really can't help yourself, can you?" Haymitch asked

"No. I can't"

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now