Greeting Death

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Standing at the side as Beetee worked with his coil wire we were all on full alert. There was something different about the air tonight, it wasn't the same muggy, suffocating air we had become accustomed to but instead it was cold and bitter, almost as if it knew that tonight was not going to be an ordinary night. Swinging the blade around in my hand the emerald caught my eye as the moon light bounced from it. Feeling a rush of emotions I threw it to the side and watched as it disappeared into the thicket, shielded from the view of the world.

"Why'd you do that?" Peeta asked coming to stand next to me but not really ever taking his eyes from Katniss.

"Something tells me I no longer will be needing it" Looking up at the sky then looking at him the expression on his face with a quick nod gave away that he knew exactly what I meant. Taking my hand he gave it a small squeeze. How had he ended up in here int he first place? If there was anyone that hadn't deserved it it was him. We had all done questionable things but Peeta had just done what he needed to protect the girl he loved, he didn't deserve to die for it.

"Chloe, Peeta" calling us over Beetee was finally done with his intricate wire work and I wondered if it was really necessary . Standing upright so I was still prepared he began to explain the rest of his plan to us so no part of it was missed out and so we didn't get our wires crossed...literally. "Katniss. Johanna and chloe I want you to uncoil the wire until it reaches the beach at 12 and place it in the water. Then run as fast as you can as far as you can" giving us our instructions we all nodded and took the remains of the wire that we had to stretch to the water. None of us say anything as we keep our attention on where the wire is going and also taking every care not to step on something that could give way which was pretty much everything on this slope of mud.

"We better hurry" Jo says to both us as she hears the same warning click that we heard. " I want to put as much distance as possible between me and the water when that lightening hits. Just in case Volts miscalculated or something" highly doubtful but I could understand where she was coming from. Swapping the wire over to Katniss Jo's hands were still wrapped around it when I went to take a step further but the sound of the wire flinging back stopped me. Turning to look at them both all of our faces held the same expression. The wire had been cut and it didn't take a genius to figure out who by. Flipping one of my daggers in between my fingers I was ready btu the attack didn't come from the missing tributes, it came from Johanna. Smacking Katniss around the head with the cylinder she fell to the floor and my jaw fell open. Had this been her plan from the start? To lead us out here and kill us? If so then I applaud her for her ability to keep it a secret. Groaning on the ground Katniss was clutching at her head. Making a move to help her Johanna blocked my path.

"Jo what are you doing?" I asked feeling betrayed and hurt by her actions but also slightly pissed off that it was going to be her to kill the Girl on Fire rather than me, the person she had actually hurt intentionally or not.

"I'm sorry Chloe. I need to save you both" Before I could ask her what she meant by that her own dagger had been shoved into my arm, the pain paralysing me for a moment before her hand had shoved my shoulders hard and I lost my footing which I had been so desperate to keep only moments earlier. Falling back my body plummeted down the side of the hill, bouncing off of every rock, branch and root that littered the arena ground. Feeling the shards cut across my skin I had felt pain before but this was continuous. Finally coming to a crumpled pile at the bottom oxygen was hard to come by. Gasping as hard as I could for breath my vision was blurred by the constant abuse to my skull. What in the actual fuckity fuck was that about? Reaching my other hand over to the stabbing pain I pulled it back to see that it was coated in blood and there was a large gash in my arm. If she could do this to me what the hell did she have planned for Finnick or Peeta or Katniss? Or maybe Finnick was in on this. Those two were close, what if this was part of their plan to break the alliance because they knew it wouldn't last forever. Either way I was pissed off. Fighting from the inside I somehow managed to pull myself up. Taking huge breathes to try and steady my heart the pain was increasing but I needed to get back up that hill. Taking each step slowly my only determination to get up that hill was to kick some ass. When I finally got back up I hadn't expected to see Katniss slumped against a tree, her arm cut open too.

"Chloe!" gripping onto the tree tightly she seemed just as confused as I was.

"You okay?" I asked. Nodding I could see the pain in her eyes but she was trying to pretend it wasn't there because right now the only thing going through her mind right now was the safety of Peeta and I couldn't understand that since I was slightly concerned about him right now

"I can't trust Finnick anymore can I?" she asked. Shaking my head there was no point in lying anymore. If Jo had acted alone she would have done it with the belief that he would side with her but there was also the possibility that he had been in on this. Years of friendship built around being a survivor is hard to break. But there had been no cannon fire so that meant no one had died and only seconds after that a thought the sound of heavy feet hitting the floor hard echoed close to us. Lurching forward I pulled Katniss down into the protection of the bushes. Clamping my hand over her mouth she didn't try to fight it as Finnick landed where we had been just moments earlier.

"Johanna! Chloe! Katniss!" he called loudly, panic in his voice as he spots the blood and continues to run which only confirms one theory. He didn't know we were meant to die. Getting out of the bushes I didn't wait for Katniss to follow and instead just took off running back towards the lightning tree. Running through the pain I was determined to get there to see the damage. Right now I was in the mental state of do now and think later which was further heightened by the cannon going off in the distance. Who was that? Did I even care anymore? It was going to be mayhem now anyway. Continuing to run I could hear Katniss closely behind me

"Chloe!" hearing he scream I stopped and turned to see her sprawled on the floor, the wire wrapped around her ankle. Running back my hands went straight to the wire to try and pull her free. I didn't know why I was helping but I felt like I needed to because she would probably have done the same for me and I promised Haymitch. Pulling her up off the floor she mumbled a thanks before we continue to go towards the tree but when we got there it was deserted. "Peeta!" she called out scowering the area but the only response was from Beetee who was lying sprawled out on the floor. Running over to him I dropped to my knees and tried to rouse him some more.

"Beetee what happened?" I asked cradling his head but he has fallen back into unconsciousness. Not paying attention to Katniss I just repeatedly continued to try and rouse him so he could tell us what had happened but it soon became clear that it was no use. He was out for the count.

"Katniss!" head shooting it up it had been faint but that was definatly Peetas voice. "Katniss!" standing up she was tuned into the sound of his voice far more than I was and so was able to pretty much pin point where it was coming from.

"Peeta! Peeta i'm over here!" she screamed in a reaction. Grabbing her arm sharply I made her face me.

"What are you doing!" I hissed. "You'll lead them straight to us" swivelling on my feet I heard more footsteps coming from a different direction. She'd damned us both. Realising I had no weapon my worst nightmare was coming to life. If we made it out of this she could be damn sure I was going to kill her. Crouching down she loaded her bow and was ready for whatever was coming. Had she meant to do that? Was it her plan to lure them here then kill them? Running to the side of the clearing which I knew the sound wasn't coming from I disguised myself in the darkness of the jungle. Breaking the clearing it is Finnick and Enorbia that arrive. Feeling my heart fall heavy in my chest I was ready to kill and judging by the look on Katniss's face she was too. But it wouldn't matter because within minutes we would probably be dead since the wire was now focused around us and it was getting closer to 12 with every passing second. Why are neither of them fighting each other? Coming out of the darkness both of their eyes fell on me.

"Chloe?" Finnicks eyes are widened with panic as he see's the blood covering my clothes and running down my face. "Are you okay?" taking a step towards me I took a bigger one back and bared my teeth at him. Sensing he was stepping in dangerous territory he remained where he was. "I didn't know that she was going to do that to you" he pleaded. "I'm not your enemy" glancing over at Katniss she was attaching something to her arrow and pointing it at the sky. The wire! She was going to blow this thing up. I had no choice but to accept death in that moment and in reality I knew that I was okay with dying because ti was better than living and everyone else being gone from this world.

"No. But they are" closing my eyes the blast took me sharper than I ever imagined possible and I was thrown back with such brutal force that death would have been welcome.

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