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Following Finnick through multiple passage ways we eventually found ourselves outside. Breathing in the fresh air nothing had ever felt so good than to see the sunlight and be able to breath properly. How had no one told us that we could still go outside. Leading me down a slightly grassy bank the lake ahead of us made me think more of home and I couldn't help but wonder if District 4 had rioted or if they were still playing face. Taking a seat next to Finnick he was watching the ripples in the water just as intensely as I was.

"I'm sorry" Breaking the silence those were not the words I had expected to come from his mouth, ever. " For everything. I thought I was protecting you but I think I just made you more of a target" He thinks? Snow had directly gone after to me to punish him, my brother was dead because of his actions. "I should have done more for you in your games"

"You weren't my mentor" Annie had been, not that she'd been more use, spent most of the time crying.

"I should have done more for you, I should have tried harder, I should have told you what was going on" Yeah he should have done but he hadn't and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing if I was in his place.


" I was wrong" Another thing I had never expected him to say. "And I was wrong to run off the other day without letting you explain" Pulling back slightly it was just getting better.

"I wanted to tell you but then Peeta tried to kill Katniss and Coin said it before I could" I felt like nothing was my choice anymore and nothing was ever on my terms. She should not have been the one to tell Finnick and Haymitch, it should have been me I'd earnt that right.

"I didn't leave because you didn't tell me, I left because it was just another realisation that I couldn't keep you safe. He protected you better than I ever could and I hate it. I hate that I failed you" Where was all this coming from? He'd never been this open with me even when we were friends, there was always the emotional part of him hidden and if I was being completely honest, it was a part of him that I thought may have completely disappeared during his games "Which is why you shouldn't be angry at Cato" Shooting him a glance he was coming out with some crazy things. He didn't even like Cato, he hated everyone that came from District 2 as did the rest of the Districts but that was a problem that would probably never be rectified.

"I think the lack of clean oxygen is getting to you Odair" I don't care how advance their technology was, there was no way it was healthy to be underground all the time..

"That might be true but" There was always a but. " He was just trying to keep you safe, the less you knew the less they could do to you. He knew that. He made a call and honestly Chloe, I would have made the same one" Well when you put it like that. Biting the insides of my cheek I guess I had acted impulsively without actually finding out the full truth. How could I have been mad at Finnick for walking off when I had practically done the same thing? Just with a little more fists thrown.

"I'm getting real sick of you macho men thinking you can save me"

"Well considering I'm kinda the one who got you into this mess, I owe you" There was a lot of that going around right now. "Plus, I like it better when we aren't hating on each other"

"So do I" Offering him a weak smile I rested my head on his shoulder just like I used to do when we were kids Wrapping his arm around my shoulders I wished like we could stay in this moment forever because right now it was perfect but perfect wasn't real and it sure as hell didn't last.

"Would this be a bad time to tell you that Coin wants you to address Panem tonight, show that you're on our side not the Capitols" Shocker.

"That is the definition of bad timing" Looking up at him I wasn't even mad. In fact I felt more at peace in this moment that I had in a very long time, if I had ever actually felt at peace. "Will you be with me?"

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now