None shall ever know: Roceit 👑x🐍

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1930s HISTORICAL GENDER-BEND, Romania=Roman/ Janette= Janus

Warnings: Vanilla,

Top: Romania Bottom: Janette

Janette's POV 🐍

It was quite evening and I sat in a chair reading a book, alone with my thoughts. It was the great depression and my husband had passed a few years ago. I couldn't dare weep for my loss as he constantly left me battered and bruised but some good did come from his death his money and Romania. Romania was my ex husband's brother she was also abuse and mistreated by him so we both felt no remorse in having our affair.

Romania is an excellent partner she's smart, kind, courage, and incredibly attractive, not to mention she had the voice of an Angel. Her smile was always paired with a Brittish accent and a gorgeous red lipstick that stains my neck and chest with a beautiful rose shape. I smiled down at my book as I soon felt safe in the thought of my beloved. My thoughts were sharply interrupted by a banging at the door.

I stood up and opened a the door to find to meet a very bubbly brunette with bright red lipstick. "Jannie!" Romania said throwing her arms around me. I took her hands and took her inside, closing the blinds to be sure we wouldn't be caught. "Good evening Romania." I said kissing her hand and sitting on her lap. "Do you really mean it!" She said putting her arms around me holding up the picture of my vacation home I had sent. "Yes, I do want to live with you my dear." I said.

Romania cheered again kissing me all over my face cuddling up to me. "I already have my bags packed in my car but if you want to wait a few days that's alright." She said calming down but still keeping the excitement and love in her eyes."Well I don't have much here so it wouldn't take us to long." I said taking both her hands causing her to bounce up and down with pure glee.

|Time skip a few hours|

Me and Romania placed my last few bags into the truck and went back inside for our coats. Sharing kisses inside Romania walked around the house one last time as this is where we spent the last few years in love. She took me into my greenhouse and stood me in front of the sunflower and when I turned back to her she was on one knee.
"Jannie I've been in love with you for years now and I know the world won't let us be who we are outside our walls but" she paused and took out a silver ring with a small diamond inside. "Janette Silvia Serpentine will you be my wife!"

I felt tears stream down my face as I nodded my head placing my hand out for her to slip it on. I kneeled down to hug my now wife as we both cried and for a minute the world of hate and bigotry slipped away and it was only us. We wiped away our tears and walked back to Romania's car hand in hand.

|Another time skip brought to you by my first music reference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)|

We arrived at our new home at around 5 pm that day and for the first time we kissed outdoors it felt so liberating to not fear prosecution for our love. We brought our bags inside and sat on the couch this time Romania held me in her lap. Romania took off my jacket and allowed me to straddle her lap rubbing my waist as she kissed me passionately, she moved her hand onto my back and then other underneath my thigh. "May we take this to the bedroom dearest?" I asked standing in front of her, my hand out which she gladly accepted.

I lead her to the bedroom and pushed her down immediately grinding down onto her lap. We continued our heavy make out session until Romina flipped me over. She kissed me one last time before helping me strip before doing so herself. She trailed down my body with her lips whispering sweet nothings, leaving rose shaped bruises and lipstick marks. She got down to my crotch and took the entire thing into her mouth lightly sucking on it, bobbing her head.

I gripped her hair and grinded myself into her mouth moaning softly. Romania started licking and sucking on my clit occasionally dipping her tongue into my hole. After pleading with my lover to drive me enter me and finish me off Romania thrusted her in and out of my hole causing my toes to curl. After awhile I came arching my back griping her hair tighter than ever. We both got up and she draped the blanket over me and kissed my forehead as we cuddled for the rest of the evening.

I don't really have anything to say today but of course have a good day/night everyone and please leave any requests in the comments, bye. 😊

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