Uncaffeinated: Remlie ☕x🗒️

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Emile's POV 🗒️ warning: Rough sex and degration

Top: Remy  Bottom: Emile

I've always been told by Remy how much of a bitch he is off coffee but I never understood the severity until now. Since it was my day off I decided to wear a skirt, I was sitting on Remy's lap just giggling with him then I sat bouncing on him a bit.

Remy held my hip strongly clearly not in his normal state " You ok hunny you seem a bit dazed?" "Yeah it's just your so damn sexy especially when you bounce on me like a little slut." I blushed at this growing hard and accidentally bumped my phone off the couch. I bent over and picked it up only to be pushed face first into the carpet.

"You really think I'd fall for that shit, bitch please, I'm gonna blow your fucking back out." He growled grinding his clearly hard member on my ass. "Ah~ please daddy I'm yours." Remy slid his hand up my skirt and pulled off my boxers.

"Look at this little thing it barly fits into my hand." Remy said groping my cock soon sliding into me without prep causing to arch my back and moan. Apparently I did something that got him to his senses as he bent over and ask me for confirmation before he started thrusting which I happily excepted.

Almost immediately he grabbed the back of my hair and thrusted into me like a FUCKING MONSTER, causing my eyes to roll into the back of my head. "You slutty little cunt you love when I use you like a damn toy, huh?" Remy growled into my ear. "Yes~ Ahhh!" He pounded into me until he cam hard, causing me to tense as he filled me up. I cam swiftly after him, getting so overwhelmed that I started to tear up.

"Hey hey Emi it's okay um . . . how about you take go clean your self up and get us some hot chocolate." He said holding me, trying to give me a warm smile "yeah sure but remind me to never fuck you uncaffeinated." Remy chuckled at this, kissed my temple, and carried to the bathroom.

I'm sorry my writing schedule is garbage but sometimes you need a break ya' know also thank you all so much for getting me to over 3,000 reads you all don't know how much this means to me. Have a good day/night everyone bye 😊 🖤 words: 411

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