Jealousy: Analogiclity (human AU) 🕷️x📖x💙

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I think this is the first polyship I've done. Warning Double penetration, tops Logan/Patton, bottom Virgil

Patton's POV 💙

Tops: Patton and Logan  Bottom: Virgil

Warnings: sex toys

It was around 9:55 pm, me and my boyfriends Logan and Virgil had just finished our dinner and now me and Logan were cuddling on the couch. Since Virgil said he was tired he was in our shared bedroom probably napping soon Virgil came out of our room and sat on the couch wearing my gray cat hoodie that was 2 sizes too big.

I went over and picked placing him on my lap rubbing on his side. Apparently Logan was jealous so Virgil bent over and started passionitly kissing and flirting with him. Yet I wanted Virgil's attention so I gently started sucked hickeys into his neck and shoulders slightly glaring at Logan.

Logan glared right back at me and started sucking hickeys in the right side of his neck we kept our eyes locked on each other, Virgil's soft and lusty moans on encouraging us.

Soon Virgil was covered in hickeys with me and Logan's lips completely swollen, Virgil randomly stood up then went in our room we waited around 3 minutes before concern consumed me. Me and Logan went into the bedroom to see that Virgil sat on the bed with his eyes closed bouncing on a thick dildo bitting his lips and softly moaning things like "Daddy~" and "sir~" soon enough he came with a breathy moan.

After he was done I walked over him and held his hip. "May I?" I asked causing Virgil to nod furiously so I first bent down and sucked the cum of his dick/thighs which he squished together gorgeously as I did so. After I finished I asked Logan to come forward kissing him as a quiet way to get rid of the jealousy.

"You take him from the front I'll take him from the back alright Lolo, Vivi." The both nodded their heads giving me consent. Logan quickly kneeled at the head of our bed and eased himself into Virgil's mouth. As soon as Logan started thrusting himself down Virgil's throat I grabbed the lube bottle from the bedside table covering his hole with it sticking my fingers in once or twice teasingly.

I then lubed up my own cock and pushed into him giving him a minute or two before thrusting into him harshly. Virgil was moaning loudly around Logan's dick, gripping the sheets for dear life. Logan bent over and kissed me passionately having our tongues explore each other's mouths.

Barely seconds after we separated he came down Virgil's throat with a loud cry which caused me to cum into his ass. After Logan pulled out I fucked into Virgil more making him screamed and came onto the bed below us. I swiftly went over and kissed Virgil tasting Logan's cum in his mouth.

I then looked over to Logan who was eating out Virgil's ass making Virgil's eyes roll to the back of his head in pleasure and overstimulation. After we finally finished we awarded the bottom with kisses and cuddles I gave him back my hoodie and stayed cuddling him while Logan got a rag to clean us up.

I really have nothing to say right now so... Have a good day/night bye -Lerretta 😊🖤 words: 565

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