Announcements page 🖤

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Since a lot of you don't follow my page you don't get notified when I announce something. So I've decided to use this page for my announcements. The announcements will be separated/dated so no one gets confused and put at the front of the book.

Nov 30, 2020: I'm gonna be writing in my fluff book and you all can request the ship. I'll be doing the one with the most requests!

December 4, 2020: hey everyone I know I said I was going to be writing in my fluff book but I didn't take the time to evaluate how shitty my mental health is so I'm taking a break for the month. Four stories will be posted though one posted in my smut book on Christmas Eve and one posted in each of my books on Christmas day as well as my birthday (new years day). Sorry if I disappointed any of you but I really need this I hope you all can understand, have a good day/night everyone bye- Lerretta🖤

December 19th, 2020: Hey everyone it's Virgil's birthday! Though I promised a while ago that there would be a bunch of stories but I didn't know that there would be a heinous amount of work that I would be tasked with when I started writing so there's not going to be two stories on Christmas Eve. There will be one on Christmas day in each of my books and one on New year's. So sorry if you were looking forward to the ones on Christmas Eve but I truly can't handle that amount of writing right now and once again happy birthday Virgil! -Lerretta 💜

January 16th 2021: Hey everyone I'm so sorry for not being able to post this week so instead let's do a Q&A! Just comment your questions (things like age and home state are of the table for privacy reasons).

OMG guys holy shit

OMG guys holy shit

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