I love you but go the fuck to sleep: Royal sleep 👑 X ☕

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Warnings: sex toys, hand cuffs, and un-mentioned mutual consent

Roman's POV 👑

I love Remy more than I could possibly describe but like in every relationship there's a bump in the road. I understand Remy exists for sleep and has no choice but to do his job yet he does choose to do things like stay out of the mind until 6 am with Virgil causing Thomas to have insomnia. But this time Thomas has an audition

I don't enjoy confrontation with anyone (out side of the dragon witch) especially my dearest Starbucks addict.
So I had come up with a more favorable alternative. I went on a search for my beloved finding him on the couch watching the real housewives of Beverly hills and screaming at the TV. "Shut the fuck up Lisa!" Remy yelled soon sitting back and watching the women fight.

"Hey Rem." "Hmm? oh hi babe." He said kissing my cheek somehow keeping his eyes glued to the TV. I sat next to him and slowly hinted my desires from rubbing his thigh to now as he sat on my lap and kissed my neck. Even though I love him and the way this was heading it wasn't how I planned it.

I did intend for this plan to work since Thomas needs to at least get a call back from this show. To take back control I picked him up, went to my room, and placed him on the bed. He wrapped his arms around my back and deepened our kiss I pushed him farther up the bed and grabbed a pair of hand cuffs.

I cuffed him to the bed, slighty rubbing his cock to keep him hard and grabbed a dildo which was on the longer and thicker side. I bent over and sucked a large hicky into his neck as I lubed up the toy. I finally granted my love his relief I pushed it in.

"Ah~ Ro!" He moaned softly as I slowly thrusted the toy into him. Yet his moans soon got louder and hungrier as I picked up the pace. Remy bucked and raised his hips against the toy attempting to hit some sort of spot. I decided to help him get of by pumping his cock and angling the toys thrust.

"AH!" Remy screamed as he cam almost completely going limp a soon as he was done. Remy kissed me before going to sleep, I cleaned him up and slipped on a white hoodie with golden cursive over him before leaving to memorize our lines.

Sorry this was short I'm having a bit of problems behind the scenes but it's nothing to worry about. This was once again requested by Cross1237 this was a really good idea sorry I had to shorten it. If anyone wants to request a chapter just know this time it will be gender bended, have a good day/ night everyone bye. 😊 words: 492

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