Escort: Princixety 👑x🕷️

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Roman's POV 👑🎭

Top: Roman  Bottom:Virgil

Warnings: Escorts, dirty talk, and mentions of abuse

I was walking into a party hosted by some director I don't know and with me was a named Virgil. He was my escort as a man who's been in many films and theatre productions it can sometimes be embarrassing show up to a large party without a date especially being gay (I don't know either).

Virgil had fluffy lavender hair and prominent curves, he was wearing a short gray dress with long sleeves, small black heels,some gold jewelry and he held a leather clutch purse. He was 21 and pretty short around 5'3 but all around very attractive. I had gotten escorts a few times in the past and those last two were honestly pretty rude and entitled yet Virgil was shy and kind attempting to make small talk when he could.

When were arrived the party was louder than the usual ones and almost everyone was drunk so me and Virgil each got a glass of wine and went out onto the terrace which luckily have a table. We sat there talking and laughing Virgil had also told me a bit about himself. Like how he was living in a beat up apartment complex with his abusive ex that wouldn't let him leave even after he told her he's gay.

"Some times I'm surprised she even let me work!" Virgil said looking down. "Hey Virgil." I said "Hm?" "Do you want to just live with me I mean until you get on your feet." Virgil looked at me shocked get that expression quickly turned into a smile as he said "I'd love to but I don't want to cause you any problems I mean we just met tonight anyway." "Well I'm one for love at first sight~" I said kissing his hand. "Oh really." Virgil said laughing.

"I'm serious, let me take you back to to my place and we can pick your stuff up tomorrow." "You know what. . . sure!" Virgil said already walking to the door back inside me not too far behind him. We got down and I called an Uber who was surprisingly quick and when we got to my house Virgil almost immediately said. "Wow I knew you had money but damn."

(This is Roman's Mansion)

(This is Roman's Mansion)

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"Welcome to my home." I said with an awkward smile "That's not a house that's a fucking palace." Virgil said still in awe we walked around the pool and went up the left flight of stairs I held the door open the door for him and he stepped inside his eyes growing wider.

I headed over straight across marble floor to the couch so I can move the red and gold pillow but I turned around to see him looking almost scared to come any closer. "Hey Virgil you can sit down if you want but at least take off your shoes listen to be really tight." Virgill did take off his heels and held his jewlery but said "I really shouldn't, this place is so nice and I want to break or get anything dirty.

I smile at him I pick him up bridal style and place him on the white couch deeply kissing him but before I could break the kiss he flipped me over then straddled me turning it into a heated make out session.

We broke away lightly panting and I asked him if he wanted to do this of which he responded "Sexual activity was in the contract wasn't ?" He said giggling seductively soon adding small hickeys with his arms around my neck. Knowing he okay with this I grinded my knee against his dick and started groping his ass earning some porn worthy moans from Virgil.

He had gotten of my lap and on his knees. "May I Mister Prince~?" He asked his finger on the button of my white dress pants as soon as I nodded he took no time pulling my cock out of my pants and deep throating it. The vibrations of his moans going up to my waist making me grab him by the hair as I get close but he immediately came of my dick with a pop that almost made me cum right then and there.

"Take me to your bedroom sir~" He said so I picked Virgil up and took him up stairs and placed him on the white and gold bed sheets as I started striping Virgil flipped over sticking his ass up his black lace panties showing ready for me to fuck. I slightly palmed him before taking his panties off, coating both his hole and my dick with lube from my bedside table quickly entering his hole.

I wanted to sit there for a minute to let him adjust but he pushed back thrusting himself on my cock so I fucked into him attempting to match his thrusts. "Ahh~Ahh~ please more sir~ it feels so good!" Virgil moaned as I thrusted into him faster only responding with grunts.

I saw him grasping at the sheets so to bring him a bit farther to his climax I kissed and sucked multiple hickeys into his neck. "Ahh~ shit baby I'm close fuck!" Virgil yelled almost immediately Cumming onto the sheets I wasn't to far behind him I asked to cum inside him of which he excepted with furious nodded.

We both took a minute to ride out our highs and separate from each other. We kissed a few times and then Virgil looked at the mess we made and started apologizing "Hey, hey Vivi it's ok I can change the sheets." "Fine." he said looking down. "But I need to know if you're serious about saying I can live here it's fine if you're not I can easily take my things and go." Virgil said with a tinge of sadness picking up his discarded clothing.

"Virgil I Know I'll sound like a desperate fucking moron but I'd love to be your boyfriend or at least take you out on a date if you'd like." "Of course I'll be your boyfriend" Virgil said  "but I'll need your help with my ex that I mentioned earlier tonight, not anything too extreme but last time I tried to leave her I had a huge bruise on my neck."

Visibly upset just thinking about that last part "Okay I'll go with you tomorrow but I don't want you going back there tonight your probably sore anyway. "Thank you for all of this Roman." Virgil told me tears threatened to spell from his eyes softly kissing me then staring at me with this soft loving look. "You're welcome Vi." I said kissing his forehead. "Now let's go get you cleaned up." I told him lifting him up bridal style and bringing him to the bathroom.

This is the longest thing I've ever written and I want to keep writing things like this so I'm going to change my schedule the updated schedule will be in my account description I will also be making a part two of this in my fluff book! Have a good day / night everyone bye. 😊 Words: 1190 !

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