let's have some fun: logince 📖x👑

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Roman's POV 👑🎭 

Top: Logan  Bottom: Roman

Warnings spanking, hair pulling insulting, deep throating

Today was a normal day for me in the mindscape Patton and Virgil were in Patton's room probably cuddling, Remus was probably doing something illegal, and Janus was probably trying to stop him so yeah pretty normal day. Then there Logan he was with me in bed researching P.T Barnum on his laptop after I forced him to watch the greatest showman last night.

I sat next to him watching trash TV I don't know why but I had some how gotten horny so I took his laptop and crawled into his lap rocking back and forth using his tie to pull him closer "Ro what are you doing." Logan said holding my hips "Oh come on daddy let's have some fun~"

Logan quickly started kissing my neck leave hickies that would definitely be dark tomorrow. I pulled him down on the bed keeping him traped in a kiss with both of us stripping slowly I grinded my knee against his dick making him groan and flip me over.

"Stop moving slut." Logan said sternly grasping his neck and slapping my ass causing me to whimper. He quickly ripped off my boxers and pushed into me with no prep and no time to adjust.

"Oh daddy~ don't be so rough~" I said wanting him to go faster and insult me more and that's what he did. "If don't want me to be rough stop being a whore." He said roughly slapping my thigh and causing me to moan incoherently.

Suddenly Logan stopped pounding into me right when I was about to cum. "Actually slut get on your knees, since you decided to be such a bad boy you're gonna give me pleasure." He said "Yes daddy~" I replied sliding off the bed kissing his chest leaving small hickeys.

I attempted to tease him by kitty licking his tip but he quickly shoved me down on his dick making me gag at sudden intrusion showing that he was close. He grabbed me by the hair and thrusted into my mouth as tears welled up in my eyes after a minute or two he came down my throat and pulled me off with a satisfying pop.

He pulled my face up to look at him which was his silent way of saying "swallow" which I happily did. I attempted to stand but I fell back luckily Logan caught me and placed me on the bed "Are you alright Roman?"

I nodded my head in response placing my hand on my throat to show it was sore. "How about you lay down and I'll get a rag to clean us both up then I can make you hot chocolate." Logan said already walking to the bathroom as I nodded happily pulling on his shirt that was discarded to the top of the bed frame.

I'm so sorry that I took so long but my a lot of stuff is happening so yeah. Hope you enjoyed have a good day / night bye. 😊🖤 Words 517

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