Merry Christmas my king: Logicality 💙X 📖

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Warnings: possessiveness, dirty talk

Top: Logan Bottom: Patton

Patton's POV 💙

It was Christmas in 1545, I had married king Logan earlier in the summer. Even though our marriage was arranged by our parents when I was 3 and Logan was 2, we had known each other all our lives and were deeply in love. Like most monarchs would have at this time there was a fairly large party thrown for the holiday with a beautiful abundance of food and drinks.

Me and Logan however didn't get up from the table at the front of the room that often as we only talked to each other."Patton, my dear it's truly impossible to resist you and your beauty" Logan said kissing my hand and took his hand. "I could say the same for you my king," we ate for a bit watching the rest of our court dance around. I think Logan could tell that I was getting a bit board so he lead me to the center of the room.

Of course since we're Kings the entire room separated for us which was kind but awkward. He wrapped his hand around my waist and took my hand, we went around in circles for a bit as my husband twirled me with great care. Logan stared into my eyes with a love so sweet it was sickening I not only returned his gazed but kissed him which caused the room to erupt in applause.

After we were done Logan lead me out of the ball room and down to our shared bedroom. "Patton would you pack your self a small bag?" "Yes, but why?" I asked wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. "I would like to give you one last gift, my king." I smiled and packed my bag but before I was lead anywhere else Logan handed me a box which contained a lovely fur cape

The cape was a luxurious black that clasps with a golden chain and a marble brooch. Logan took the cape and placed it upon me with great care. "My love, I hope I may grant you a the happiness I can in this realm and the next." "Well I hope it pleases you to know you have caused me all the love and happiness I could imagine!" I told him before wrapping my arms around his shoulders, giving him a passionate kiss. "Let's go Patton will continue our relations soon." Me a Logan walked arm in arm outside of the palace towards our horses Logan being Logan helped me upon mine first and then got onto his.

Logan refused to tell me where we were going he only said to follow him which I did. We rode for a while passing by a beautiful body of water we passed many of Logan's estates all of them as grand as the last. We kept riding until we reached an estate that was different from the others this one was more isolated and as we got closer I saw two flags. One was Logan's it was navy blue with a black falcon and then there was mine it was a light cyan with two eagles crossing each other.

We both dismounted and lead our horses to the stables walking hand to the front of the building. "This my dear is my final gift to you!" Logan said holding me by the hips "You're own private estate of which I hope fills all your desires!" I hugged and kissed my beloved husband before running in dragging him with me. As we walked in all the staff bowed in our presence and took our coats as usual. I wasn't really worried about that as Logan squeezed my hand twice which for the longest time meant "meet me in the bedroom."

|Small time skip|

"Your Majesty!" I exclaimed as my husband pinned me against the wall, slightly bit down on my neck. I rubbed up against his crotch with my knee causing him to pin my arms to the walk. "Prove how much you want me to pleasure you my love . . . on your knees." Logan said sternly so I immediately unbuttoned his shirt kissing down his chest all the way to his waist. I looked up for a final act of confirmation of which he gave so I unbuttoned his trousers and started sucking. I bobbed my head roughly running my tongue a-long his cock as I knew he loved the dramatization.

Logan gripped my dirty blonde hair, shoved me down further upon his member, and started thrusting causing me to gag but I loved it. "Oh~ my dear please keep going!" Logan said before babbling random praises as I drove him closer and closer to his climax. He tightened his grip on my hair showing he was close so I came off my husband's cock with a satisfying pop and went back down causing him to release into my mouth. Like usual I sat down on my knees and stuck out my tongue before swallowing causing a bit to drip down my chin. Logan took my hands and picked me up so dropping me on the bed.

"Oh my darling husband you couldn't believe how much I've desired you today." Logan said we roughly kissed. "Well you have me now your Majesty and you may do what ever you please." I said unbuttoning my shirt and throwing it to the floor. "You shouldn't have done that Patton." Logan growled unbuttoning his belt. So in return I slipped of my pants allowing my hardened cock to spring free and got back onto the bed sticking my ass up. "Fuck me!" I said which only fueld his angered lust, Logan quickly stripped and got on to the bed griping my hips. "Do you think you could just act like a whore and get away with it not a chance!

"AHH~" I moaned as Logan pounded into me at a rapid pace. I knew he was angry but this was the harshest sex we've ever had. We both could here the maid staff giggling behind the door but we were too engulfed in our lust filled haze to care. "Mmmh Patton, my god you feel so damn good!" Logan moaned out tightening his hold upon my hips leaning over now and again to whisper lewd praises hungrily.

Logan and I both were getting very close to our climaxes, but of course Logan wanted the pleasure to last as long as possible so he pulled out and flipped me over onto my back. Logan was thrusting at an inhumane pace causing me to let out scream like moans. Logan was a very experimental man and I loved his bedroom surprises but this was most likely the best. He started to pump my cock in a beautifully harsh manner I grabbed the velvet bedsheets as my husband edged me closer. After a good while of sweet and rough sex I had came harshly arching my back and squirting my fluids all over my husband's chest.

Logan let go of my member and quickened his thrust, dragging his lips along my chest. "You are my husband, you. belong. to. me. "Ahh~ yes!" I moaned wanting to ride out my high and finish off my husband. Logan gripped my wrists as he came inside of me causing me to cum once again. We both kissed and helped each other sit up laughing at the mess we had made. "Logan" "Yes" "Thank you for. . .all of this." I said give him an awkward chuckle which he returned with the warm smile I've known all my life. "Patton, dearest you deserve all of this and more I love you." "I love you too" I kissed his cheek and finally said "Merry Christmas my king~" before falling back onto the bed and going to sleep.

Hey everyone Merry Christmas I hope none of you and upset about me not being able to post the Christmas Eve fanfics but I simply couldn't manage the workload. To make up for it I made sure this was really long and post a second story in my fluff book. Seriously I hope you have all have a Merry Christmas and I'll be posting again on New year's-Lerreta🖤 Words: 1,387

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