Toy: Princixety Human AU 🕷️ x 👑

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Top Virgil and bottom Roman

Warnings: sex toys and slight degration

Virgil's POV

I opened my apartment door after coming home from work and gently put down my bag yet from there I get here
A bed creaking so it was either a the neighbors or b my boyfriend not following my rule. Ever since we started to have sex 2 months into a relationship Roman has been very submissive but disobedient so it would be surprising to walk into a room and see him using a sex toy which is exactly what he was doing. 

He was bouncing on a dildo a small pool of cum underneath him his head thrown back moaning things like "Daddy~"& "fuck me!~" "Hello slut." Romans head immediately flipped back up and started stammering "h-hi Daddy I um." "Shut up, on your knees now whore."

I told him sternly, I had had him unbutton my pants and pull down my boxers letting my hard cock slap him in the face yet he quickly grabbed it and as he put it in his mouth I started to fuck his throat. The vibrations his moans caused only made me go faster untill I came down his throat and on his face "Did you learn your lesson bitch?" "Yes daddy~."

This is my first smut book so I'm sorry it's short, have a good day / night everyone bye 😊 words: 235

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