I'm sorry

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Hey everyone I'm sorry but I have to bring this book to a close. As much as I love seeing how much you enjoy my content but for a multitude of reasons such as my time and mental health. I will be opening this book annually during the summer but as of right now I have to close it for my own benefit. Once again I'm sorry for not being able to clarify this sooner. Have a good day/night everyone bye!- Lerretta 💜

Edit: Thank you all so much for the kind messages from yesterday you've all really made my day. The reason why I'm coming here is warn other writers of something Wattpad is deleting any $.m.u.t stories they can find so please take words like $.m.u.t or s.e.x.u.@.l from your story titles/descriptions. If my story is found randomly deleted that's the reason so I'd recommend you download it or any other $.m.u.t stories you enjoy. -Lerretta 💜

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