Strong: Moxiety 💙 x 🕷️

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Virgil's POV 🕷️

Warnings: Vanilla

Top: Patton  Bottom: Virgil

Today was a generally normal I sat on me and Patton's shared bed I was trying to take a nap but I could only think about Patton. There was no reason to think about him it's not like he even left the house I started to think about him shirtless and started to get turned on.

Before I got any other idea I heard a knock at my door after welcoming the stranger into my bedroom I was met with a grey sweater and blue polo shirt. Patton started kissing me all over me soon he pick me up while swinging me around. "I love you baby."

He told me kissing my cheek making me giggle. He placed me on the bed and started kissing me the kiss got more and more passionate soon he was holding me in his lap by my waist.

We already had our shirts off and then Patton said. "Hey Kitty can I keep going." "Of course but can we try something?"  "Sure!" He said excited but curiously.

I moved back, took off my pants, and then helped him with his then I climbed back on to sinking onto his dick. "Mmm~" he moaned grabbing my waist as rocked back and forth.

We continued like this for a while until he tightened his grip on my waist he began to thrust up into me causing me to throw my head back in pure pleasure. "Patton!" "Shh it's ok." I started to claw at his back as I got closer to my climax

After plenty of grunts and moans we both cam , Patton lifted me up and placed me on the bed handing me his shirt. I slipped it on as Patton cleaned the both of us up and cuddled up next to me
"I love you Virg." Patton said kissing my nape "I love you too."

This is probably the most stressful chapter I've ever written my friends now know of this book and they're not going to live this down. Yet there's something way bigger I WAS OFFERED A CONTRACT this book is doing so well someone wanted to showcase it. Unfortunately I had to decline but the fact I've been able to bring you all content and get this far brings me so much joy. Please have a good day /night everyone and once again thank you for bringing me here - Lerretta 😊🖤

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