Vengeance: Dukexielogisleep 🐙 X🕷️X 📖 X ☕

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This was requested by Cross1237 I didn't have any ideas this week so they're a life saver. Also first 4 person poly-ship! 🖤

Warnings: rough(ish) polyamorus sex

Tops: Logan and Remus   Bottoms: Virgil and Remy! (Fucking finally!)

Remus's POV 🐙

Me and Logan are both currently sitting in my room pissed at our boyfriends the have now decided it would be cute to flirt with each other usually getting very touchy - feely. Now we're all poly so it wasn't like they were cheating but me and Logan knew both Virgil/Remy very well they wanted to be assholes, get fucked, and repeat until they get bored.

Yet this time was different we both wanted to teach them a lesson. We both decided to find the other's boyfriend bring the back the my room and show them what happens when they decided to be little whores. I went after Remy and soon found him in the living room.

"Hey Remy~." He looked up from his phone and almost immediately started laughing. "Yeah?" "I was wondering if you we wanted come fuck." He laughed again before looking at me. "Wait, your serious?" "I mean as long as you want to sure." (I may be the intrusive side but I would never go that low). "Ok sure!" Remy said before I to his hand and lead him back to my room."

Once we got back we were met by both Logan and Virgil who were waiting on my bed. "Woah, what the fuck is happening!" Virgil said confused as planned me and Logan scooped up our respected boyfriend pulling them into passionate kisses. 

The boys under us got hornier and hornier as our kisses got more heated soon both boys were shirtless, moaning, and on their knees. After a few minutes both Remy and Virgil were on their knees with me and Logan throat fucking them.

It had been around 20 minutes before Logan cam with me following him soon after. Both boys had a dazed and lusty look in their eyes. Since we both planned all of this out we carried them ready to fuck the shit out of them.

|Time skip|

Logan's POV 📖

Today was what Remus called "Our day of vengeance" as our significant others had been purposely being erotic towards us and then leaving us horny. So that leads us here I'm currently fucking into Virgil as Remus fucked Remy.

The boys under us were clearly enjoying themselves as they were moaning and thrusting themselves on our members as if their lives depended upon it. "Ahh~Fucking hell!" Remy moaned before burying his top half into the sheets of my bed to quiet himself yet he was almost immediately pulled up Remus.

Virgil had been surprisingly quiet so I bit into his shoulder causing him to moan loudly and tilt his head back to kiss me. Both Remy and Virgil started thrusting faster by the minute clearly nearing their climaxes. Remus quickly caught on to this and we silently agreed to pick up our paces.

"Ahh!" Virgil screamed before cumming soon being followed by me and Remy. Since Remus is . . . Remus he had an unearthly sex drive and took 5 more minutes for him to cum (which is somehow fast for him). Remy had rapped him self in a light blue blanket and fell asleep on Remus's lap.

Virgil on the other hand picked up my blue sweater, slipped it on, and then kiss my cheek. "Sorry about the mess Lolo." He said grabbing a pair of boxers from my drawer and slipping them on as well. "I hope you don't mind." Virgil said once again his anxious side clearly creeping up on him. "It's fine Virgil." I said kissing him sweetly on the lips catching him slightly off guard.

"Um, Logan?" Virgil said softly  "Yes?" "If you and Remy would be up for it do you think we could all go on a date?" He asked looking down at his feet. "Yeah of course! I honestly would've gotten Remy to ask you and Remus but he would usually fall asleep."

Virgil laughed happily grabbed my face and kissed me again. "Well now that's settled can I help you clean up 'cause I don't think I'll sleep right otherwise." He said with an awkward chuckle. "Of course."

Hey guys I'm sorry there's less dialogue in this chapter but I'm happy to say this is my first request! As mentioned before this chapter was requested by Cross1237 and I loved doing it, so if any one of you would like to request something just put it in the comments. Thank you so much for getting me to 13k views I truly couldn't have done this without all of those who the kindest messages in my comments I really can't thank you all enough. Have a good/day night everyone bye. 😊 🖤 words: 817

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