Comfort: Demus 🐙x🐍

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Remus's POV 🐙 (P.S this is after selflessness vs selfishness),

Warning: vanilla

Top: Remus Bottom: Janus

I was sitting on the couch in the dark side of the mindscape planning on who he'll kill in his dream this time when Janus fiercely open the door slammed it and slid down the wall next to it sobbing. I immediately ran over to him "Jan what's wrong?" I may be the intrusive side but I can chill out in certain situations.

"All I is what's best for Thomas Remus why can't they understand that I care about him too!" Janus said in between sobs "look at me JJ we both or just trying to do our jobs and if they can't see that then that's on them. "Immediately after I said that Janus smashed his lips onto mine quickly softening into a sweet kiss after a while I picked them up having him wrapped his legs around my waist and brought him into his room and started striping so did he.

"Jan are you sure about this I mean you were just bawling 2 minutes ago?" Yet Janus replied with a kiss and " It's ok I want you to comfort me Remus." Flipping me over and crawling on top of me asking for confirmation before inserting me into him.

"Ahh~" Janus moaned grabbing me by the shoulders and wrapping his arms around them as I thrusted into him "You're ah~ so good jan~" "Ah~ ah~ harder!" Sooner or later I started to feel a pit in my stomach and from Janus thrusting himself faster on me it was clear that he was getting closer as well. We loudly moaned in unison as we came with me falling back and Janus falling on top of my chest. "Thanks Remus I- I love you." "I love you too JJ now lie down let me take care of you." I said kissing him before he sweetly fell asleep

Sorry I haven't been uploading a few times a day like normal but the dance moms episodes are getting really good. Have a good day / night everyone bye 😊 words: 354

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