Both : Dukexicet 🐙x🕷️x🐍

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Janus's POV 🐍

Double penetration, ruler/King kink (brief), cum bulge

Tops: Virgil,Remus  Bottom: Janus

I was resting on the couch cuddled up with a sleeping Virgil. Since we were in the 'dark side' of the mindscape we we were able to sit out in the open together. I was wearing a black dress with a yellow trim and Virgil wore his usual patched-up purple hoodie and sweats.

Remus soon walked over to the couch kissing Virgil on the head and sat down next to me Flirting with me. Remus wasn't very good at flirtation though he was clearly hard. After a while I crawled over and straddled him by time we were both making out with his shirts off Virgil woke up.

I saw him just watch use with slight smirk so I took his hand and placed it on my ass giving him a seductive glance. Seconds after I turned my attention back to Remus Virgil turned my head and kissed me passionately then started to kiss Remus. When slightly how did from the lack of attention "Look at our gorgeous attention whore, we should punish you for being such a slut huh Virg."

Remus said Virgil's hand roughly squeezing my ass and thigh. I soon got so horny that I stood up and went to our shared bedroom draging them with me. I lightly pushed them against the wall then climbed into the middle of the bed archinh my back, pushing my ass out in a cat like motion slightly shaking it.

Almost immediately I felt Remus flip up my dress and then push into me (since his dick is a bit bigger than Virgil's) with absolutely no prep. Before he started thrusting Virgil kissed Remus and then entered me as well we've never all fucked before especially like this so I was moaning hard.

"Ahh~ fasterAH!" I moaned causing one of the 2 to slap my ass. "It's King to you slut understand!" Remus said harshly. "Yes my ah~ King!" We kept on fucking like this with Virgil grabbing my hair and Remus slapping my ass on occasion.

Both my boyfriends know I don't grasp the bed sheets unless I'm close so surprisingly Virgil flipped me over onto my back. Since Virgil's a switch who usually bottoms he's not as dominant as Remus. After my boyfriends started to fuck into me once more Virgil bend down starting to suck hickeys into my neck jacking off both my dicks as Remus held my hips to keep himself stable.

"FUCKFUCKFUCK AH~" I moaned Cumming all over my chest filling me up with his thick cum and then pulling out. Remus being. . . Remus his sex drive is 2 times higher than me and Virgil's He took 2 more minutes of groans, moans, and screams before Cumming into me.

Virgil had shut off the bed during this time and grabbed a butt plug he sweetly kissed all over my scales then pushed it in but then Remus started snickering in the background. "What, oh!" Virgil said suddenly realizing something and then started to snicker as well "JJ look down." I did and saw a bulge.

"Damn, well since it was two of you it's not really that surprising I'm still it's pretty big." "You have to admit that's sexy as fuck double d. " Remus said trailing the bulge. "Rem I love you but I swear if you don't shut the fuck up." "Jan here's my hoodie go to sleep alright." Virgil told me his is hand over remus's mouth.

I nodded, zipped the hoodie, and buried my self under the sheets. Virgil grabbed a rag from the bathroom a few doors down and cleaned both Remus and himself up in the both of them climbed into bed with me. "I love you." They said in unison not only to me but to each other as well.

"I love you both too." I said kissing them both on the nose and then falling quickly falling asleep.

Hi, so the next chapter in either of my books is probably going to be late since my mental health is shit right now other than that have a good day/night everyone bye 😊 words: 704

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